1 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the [IN10N CONFERENCE OF ADVENTISTS View, Cal. Subseription Price, I'ifty Cents a Year PPaciric SEVENTIH-DAY Mountain Editorial Committee J. J. Ireland I. W. Cottrell Claude Conard Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1906, at the Post-office at Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. TrHUR=DAY, JaNoany 3. 1967. The happy expressions of hal vhcoertan New Year's oreeting whieh from every side ve- mind us 1 ono tones that old Father Time has aonin reversed his glass anc the sands of another year ave fast The vist have bee onths filled with telling to » heen months filled th telling beoinning to tall, twelve months events whieh tell more to us as a ovents- peoble than to anv other lass in the world, The earthquakes, the fires, the floods, the famines, the unrest in social and political circles, the wars and rumors of wars—all these and many more point to greater will know not events which the next few vears certainly bring to pass, We what the entering may have in store for us. It vear upon which we are now only hehooves us to wateh the signs as they are fulfilled, and be prepared for anything to which the Lord may call us. Nor can this preparation be made of our- Without Me ve can do ts the warning given hy our divine solves, noth- mo, none otf us but are with the Year's vows and resolutions [Tow all our plans at the Sao- Leader, There are and familinr—yes, New made mn sadly wo hroken our ow strength, nich better to lay feet up ows Is providence may direct, Let Von's to Le enrrled out or given the praver of cach heart Le at the hegin- ning of the new vear as we lay ourselves and our all upon the altar. Thy will, OG Lord, be done’ a 0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Wows Items 1 Aothe close of the first three months cof the present vear's werk at fernando Academe, Professor Toaens tarned over 1 trem the net earings of the aeademy eo to be applied on the debt. IT Was Folder conithe session of the Legislature to do that [Slder Sacramento during t voted [Healy join 1 Corliss at he all within his power to set before eur state dJegislators the true principles of rellctous liberty, Tne writer is to leave for the state of Sonora, Mexico, on Christmas Dav, for the purpose of selecting a site for a mission station, A sfop-over of one night will be made at Loma Linda for the pure pose ot holding a council meeting with the workers there, Folders Whitehead and Hare are to se- lect a new leeantion wherein the truth has never been presented, and held a SCTIeS Cooineetings Sister Colin Green and Yider FE. HL Adams during the winter months, will remain at Pomona, and also do some work at Ontario daring the next few veeks, we have an urgent cast for workers to coo to Adrien Brother W. II. Anderson in the work for the and join native people mm northwest Rhodesia. At pres- ent we scarcely know whom to select from PPer- haps the Lord will impress some one to our conference to answer this call, volunteer. All arrangements have heen made for the discussicn of the Sabbath question at Riverside to hegin on the 14th of Januncry, and to continue for at least