When ships that conld roan thee seas on fasted fio doreal vitamin problem aren learned (oo buthd VOLE eS which months OF Vedls, cleveloped The het of the hips’ crews on those vonage: depended foo mich on Bisons aad sab poirk, With veo fresh foods oo PLO- ascorbic acid vide vitamin OC the meen deveboped scree Sones ties mae than hall af he oen became sick. and many died before the ships cenimed home, £30 Lod [ici (her when defiernaes developed nhac hines were vented to refine Toole The ancients bnew that the rane of sneirenne i sweet, bar ye antl rather eden ventions made possible the pris fication and ervstallization of white sugar did men realize ww had dee any relationship to vitamin froseneve A century aol the con. sumption of suena was neghaible, For example, as Tate ws 16200 the average vearlv sugar consumption 1m: the United abont crehy pounds pep person. This did Tower the vito States was only RERATRIRNER not areatly mtake of the averoe diet. But when saear he. came readily available ond cheap, tis popularity grew rapidly. Today ey se aver ane hnndied pounds of white cach aptly des Vitamin thie the SULar per Person vers empty calories” scribed as not having “a Addl Ley amonnt of sweer dishes eaten, and moa carlond 7 we siniply crosd oman foods rich 1m both vitamins and minerals, The invention of mills to remove the {rom cereal craigs has further depleted the dict. White flour and polished rice Tose most of the rich supply of the Bavitamins their outer portions, These refined pro- diets have become so popular that have practically eliminated the wholegrain preparations from the tables of the world. Abn sixteen per cent of refined calories come from our use of fats separated from their original The fats and oils used on con- tribwiie fittle to the day's vitamin han and eerm comecentrated in they SCC onr tables and in cooking mitihe except fop vicenin I, mainly mr veserable oils, and vitamin A, momrearine aud butter, Yin ask, Did the substitution of these heavily pro. FRIRTa I the unrefined case deficiencies? Indeed COUNtTIeS where the mam dietary dependence my not cise for Fords wot partieatariy an was cn cereals, Beribert, a thiamine deficiency disease, ~touek hard in conics where white rice replaced rice. This SECTIONS the npply iv more vared and the cunral brown a [IR ASE A} . 1 Jd nied become ahem in where fond places the thovnine lost fron the grains was torn other {rn de supplied by [Vreadlul Diseases Ae REE searched {ow ihe CAUSES readin! dicenses such as i] arid and for and cure they vitamins. peltagra the nooans to prevent Ther. discovered When the missing factors were : SCUrvy, Vitarnins received from natural sources are ~vitamin CG for N NETH spliced tn be preferred ic those from artificial ihine ing for bertberi, and niacin sources. ov pellirra the recovery was [A 15 PELILAT Dr OF HEAL VIL FEBRUARY