2 | INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER WEEK OF PRAYER READINGS FOR THE CHILDREN General Suggestions to Leaders The basic theme running through most of these lessons has to do with the problem of sin and how to meet it. Surely no problem deserves greater em- phasis, or should be of greater concern just now to both young and old. Closely associated with this theme is its paral- lel-—the righteousness of Jesus. What a high privilege for any teacher or lead- er to bring to the spiritual comprehen- sion of the children themes so vital, and yet so simple. Since these lessons are to be given to children in all grades, it is necessary that they be adapted accordingly. In - some Instances the phraseology may be too difficult for the six-year old, or too simple for the twelve-year old. These lessons are not designed to be read to the children. It is hoped that the teacher will find in them helpful suggestions, but most of all is it hoped that he will earnestly seek from God the spiritual illumination the children of his group particularly need The following general suggestions may prove helpful: 1. Make the Week of Prayer truly a season of prayer with the children. At these prayer seasons lead the chil- dren to pray earnestly for victory over every sin. 2. Let every leader acquaint himself with the heart needs of the children. Do not neglect the personal interview. 3. Select your songs carefully after having prepared your study for the day. 4. Tt is only as the hearer givés ex- pression to religious instruction that it becomes a part of him. As a means of self expression, give the children an opportunity to speak a little word of testimony—or to participate in sentence’ prayers, or just to stand, or to raise hands, or to bow heads in silent prayer. It matters not how simple the expres- sion may be, it is very important in giving the children an opportunity to respond to the pleadings of the Holy Spirit. 5. In the first meeting be sure to tell the children about the annual offering which will be taken up at the last meet- ing. Lead the children to determine on a definite amount to work for, sug- gesting ways and means of earning this amount. It would be well to remind the children at each meeting about this offering and make efforts to earn their specified amounts, a part of your pray- ers from meeting to meeting. Lesson I — For Sabbath, December 9 CHRIST OUR HELPER Suppose, boys and girls, you were traveling "along a path that lay very close to a deep wide pit, and suppose you were in danger any moment of slipping off into this pit. How thank- ful you would be if someone would offer you a strong hand to hold you up and keep you from slipping. The path- way of life which we are traveling is just such a path. Satan’s cruel temp- tations make it unsafe, and we are in danger every day of slipping into the pit of sin.’ Jesus sees the danger we are in. In pity He reaches out His strong hand to help us. Listen to His loving offer of help in Isaiah 41:10: “I will uphold thee.” This is Jesus’ way of saying, “I will hold you up, and keep you from slipping into the pit of sin.” With His Strong Right Hand Can it be that Jesus’ hand is able to ‘hold us up and keep us from fall- ing? Yes, it can be, for Jesus’ uphold- ing hand is strong. He calls it “the right hand” of His “righteousness.” He never did one sinful thing during His "whole life on this earth. Day by day He met temptations, even greater ones than you and I meet, but without fall- ing. Jesus is really saying to us: “Be- cause I was upheld against temptation while in the world you may know that: I am strong to uphold you.” Jesus Will Strengthen Us Perhaps you would like to know what it means to be upheld by the right hand of Jesus’ righteousness, . This question is answered for us in this same text. Says Jesus: “I will strengthen thee.” This is His way of saying, “I will up- hold you by making you strong with My strength.” The strength of Jesus —think what this means—His strength upholds great worlds in space, and this is the strength He offers to vou and to me to uphold us in the pathway of life. Yes, His strength becomes ours if we are willing to receive it. We are all saying in our hearts today, “Dear Jesus, uphold me by making n me strong with Thy strength.” Jesus Will Lift Us When We Fall But suppose some day we forget and do not take the strong hand Jesus of- fers us, what then? Jesus looks down upon us in sadness, but He is still our Helper. David said in Psalm 40:2: The Lord “brought me up also out of an horrible pit.” Yes, the same hand that could have kept us from falling, is reaching out also to lift us up and bring us out of the pit into which we have fallen. How does Jesus do this for us? By forgiveness of sin. It is forgiveness that lifts us up out of the pit of sin. I John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” And this is not all. We could not fall into a pit and stay clean, could we? Neither can we sin and be clean. Sin makes us very unclean in the sight of God. But Je- sus says: “I will wash you and ye shall be clean.” The last part of I John 1:9 says: “And to cleanse us from all un- righteousness.” He lifts us up out of the pit, and then washes off all of the stains of sin. - Jesus Is Our Helper In Every Time of Need What a wonderful Helper is Jesus. No matter what our trouble may be, Jesus can always do the thing that will help us most. He loves to have us keep our hand in His all the time, and then when trouble comes, when sorrow comes, when sickness comes, when dan- ger of any kind comes, He can draw us very near and give us the help we need. Boys and girls, we are living now in a time that is full of trouble, a time, too, that will grow worse and worse, for the end Is very, very near. But with our hand in the hand of Jesus we have nothing to fear, for as the dan-