SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD © © o-s-orsrtmome PR | Arkansas Conf. | 4 3 Office, Little Rock, Ark, LX ! 1215 Marshall H President - Elder J. 1. Taylor ¢ b Sec.-Treas.. I. J. Black ¢ t @ a ® ARKANSAS NEWS NOTES ~—An anti-tobacco program is to be rendered in the Little Rock church this evening (Tuesday). Governor McRay has designated Friday, March 17, as No-Tobacco Day in the state of Arkansas. This church has placed in the hands of the people of this city over 1600 Anti-Tobacco leaflets. We find that the people are glad to read on this subject. The public schools are thinking of taking a large quanti ty of these leaflets for use in their schools. —W:ith this campaign there is also the help of the company known as the . “Flying ‘Squadron,” who is visiting numerous cities in the United States for the purpose of warning the people against a proposed movement against the Volstead Act. It is the object of this company to preserve the Vol- stead Act without changes whatso- ever. They were in Little Rock for three days, and from here to other cities in the south. —Mr. D. L. Jones of Congo, Arkan- sas, was a recent caller at the office. He says the little company at Congo are getting alone nicely. —Brother Baker's Sunday night meetings are continuing to grew. Several new faces were seen last Sun- day night. We are glad for this and Lope much good may be accomplished. —Miss Wilcox and Miss Winn at- tended Sabbath school at Mablevale last Sabbath. The Sabbath school im that place is growing some. —Brother J. A. Cupp and family, of Mablevale, were in town Sunday night. They attended the services in tht church. Brother Cupp also called at the office for a few minutes. —As result of a friendship which sprang up in a railway accident, the late Mrs. Margaret Howard of Chica- go, bequeathed estates to the calue of $40,000 to. the Arkansas Children's Home Soclety of Little Rock. —~Mrs. Ura Joy Spring, member of our church in Little Rock, is the one to whom the orphanage is indebted, She has been connected with the . Children’s Home for eight years. —Brother Dearinger, ose of our col- porteurs who has beea on the sick list is out in the field again. —Miss Wilcox has returned from & trip through the northern part of the state. She did not visit as many companies as she had expected, om account of the snow. She reports the Marianna church school to be pro- gressing nicely under thie direciton of Sister Montgomery. A letter from Sister A. C. Cutter, states that there are two more keep- ing’ the Sabbath in Dew county as a result of the reading the Signs of the Times. ~—Elder Taylor visited the Pine Bluff church over Sabbath. He expects to hold a“"few meetings there before long. Cy |i "GENTRY Since spending five months visit- ing my children in Utah, I ‘am back home in good old Arkansas, and I can tell you it seems good to be here. ‘The thermometer registered from ten de- grees above during the day to from six to thirty- two below zero during the night for over two weeks, It was too cold for me out there. Arkansas ie hard to beat. - I am writing letters and mailing out papers and tracts to a goodly number of people since I came home. I have just received a good letter from a lady I met on the train who became inter- ested in the message as I talked with the conductor on the train coming home and sent her some literature and wrote her a letter calling her attention to the more Important points. She likes the literature and is going to send it to-her people in Chicago when she gets through reading it. I had a good visit with the conductor and he and I are to study the Scrip- tures by way of correspondence and literature. He desired information up- on many Bible subjects; and I am ‘writing him and sending literature to him, T' found our church school progress- ing nicely-now in the seventh month, though as a few have moved away and some others have: been sick it has made the attendance light for the past two weeks, however the sick are better and are beginning to- come out again. We are planning for a big school next year. - I would be pleased to-hear ' from a lot of old friends. - "H. CJ.AY- GRIFFIN. R-~ute 2 Box 17, Gentry, Ark. . PAGE. THREE South Texas Conf. | Office, San Antaaio, Texas 422 Oppenheimer ‘Bldg. - " President-EI1, R. P. Montgomery Sec. -Treas. Etta Hewgleyx P= reno —— -~@ ;. SOUS . R TL ES THREE RIVERS Recently, our Three Rivers compauy were privileged. to enjoy the’ company. LT of Bro. and Sister C. Riffel ‘for four days, demonstrating at the home of Sis- ter G.I. Proctor, ments, anb alsohow to cook proper food for nourishment. to maintain. health. .. .... Their time was well employed by hold; . "ing meetings, imparting to us a know- ledge of health principles. After the meetings, part of the time . was devoted to practicing the method CL “of fomeéntation treatments. All enjoyed this practice. We feel that we are free to say that almost everyone in this com- . pany is now capable to perform treat- ments of this kind and obtain succes: fel results. Sister Riffel had charge of the cook: ing demonstration, Each one was given an opportunity to engage in this cook- ing. One could not ask for a more whole: some and better tasting food then what’ was introduced at this demonstration. © The results of these meetings left a great impression upon our minds, that the giving of ‘instruction in the prin- clples of healthful living, is a part of each one’s appointed work. Many bless- ings and helpful experiencs were re- ceived during this occasion. Everyone was benifited very much. This ecom- pany wishes to express their gratitude a. for the instruction obtained. KH. R.. H. SOUTH TEXAS NEWS NOTES | —Enthusiastic letters are coming in from the colporteurs now. They are having some live experiences in the book work’ this year. ’ —Four were "baptized yesterday as a result of the San Autonio meetings. This is jest a beginning. Others are keeping the Sabbath and still others are deeply interested. We shall re- port later as we get some good news | Co for you. —Some of us attended a baptismal service held in San Pedro Park by the Mexican brethren where four were, baptized. : cx. ~The tent ‘mestiiiks are well at- tended and we belleve many mote RR Mexicans will be brought into the the medical treat- ..