“Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with thy Might." VoLUME 8. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., OCTOBER 27, 1897. NUMBER 49. THE MINNESOTA WORKER, ——I88UED WEEKLY BY THE— MINNESOTA TRACT SOCIETY. Subscription Price, 35 cents a year, Send all Communications and Subscriptions to THE EDITOR, L. B. Losey, . Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Entered at the post-office at Minneapolis as second class mail matter. The Workers’ THE meeting convened according to appoint- ment with Minneapolis church. The brethren hav- ing kindly offered to provide for the temporal wants of the laborers during its session. Nearly all were present at the opening meeting on -Friday evening, at which Bro. Mead spoke from Zeph. 2:1-3. On Sab- bath, after the usual Sabbath-school exercises, Bro. Scoles spoke very impressively starting from Rom. 11:29. This service was followed by an earnest move on the part of the larger portion of the congregation to seek the Lord. recent testimony, which was followed by a large number of short testimonies. The evening was oc- Meeting. cupied by Bro. Nettleton in a sermon from 2 Cor. 4:7. On Sunday morning the real work of the session be- gan. The program arranged for the meetings, pro- vided for a morning prayer and social meeting at 8 o'clock, and study and discussion’ of topics presented from 9 to 11,30; afternoon from 2.30 to 5 the continu- ance of topical study; preaching at 7.30. Bro. J. H. Behrens was chosen as pastor and Bro. D. P. Curtis as secretary. was prayer. speakers, that prayer, especially public prayer, should be brief, and express in simple language present needs, and desire for help from God the great and only source from whence help can be obtained. The next topic considered was ‘preaching’, as taught in the Bible and the Testimonies, both as to matter and manner. Many interesting and profit- able suggestions were presented by the different speakers, embracing many extracts from the Testi- monies. It was generally conceded that long ser- mons were not so profitable as short ones in which “the word” was clearly and pointedly held before the minds of the hearers. Bro. Emmerson occupied the evening hour, discussing from Mark 10:15, In the afternoon Bro. Flaiz read a The first topic studied and discussed It was the general consensus of the The topic of “Soul Winning’* was taken up and ‘studied on Monday, -and the discussion brought out many points of interest from the scriptures, “Steps to Christ’ and *‘Spirit of Prophecy’. The thought was emphasized that personal work, in connection with preaching the word was God’s method of soul- winning, and that we must come directly from God to the people, talk with God, that he may help us to talk fo the people. The next topic taken up was “The Laborer’s responsibility as related to the finan- ces of the Conference”, and this was lengthily and largely dwelt upon from the standpoint of the word of God, and recent special testimonies, as well as past experience and present needs. The conclusion was reached from these sources that the laborers had not done their duty to the churches in giving them needed instruction in regard to God’s requirements and their privileges as the dispensers of his bounty, for the purpose of winning souls from the service of Satan to the service of Christ. Attention was called to Testimony 31, showing how Satan gets our breth- ren to tie up their means in worldly schemes; also to “Karly Writings”, that between the chapters en- titled ‘‘Spiritualism’ and ‘The Shaking’’ is one on “Covetousness’, showing that this point is now reached and here is where we stand. The decision was reached that from this time on, the laborers would be faithful in presenting this branch of the work to the brethren, in all parts eof the field where they labor, in showing them the simplicity of the plan which God has presented for raising means through the tithing system, and that it is disloyalty to God to withhold it. Bro. Nettleton improved the evening hour in presenting the subject of envy and jealousy, starting from Prov. 27:4. Tuesday was largely occupied in considering the recommendation found in the ‘‘Special on Tithing” ‘“‘that all our churches in the State adopt the custom of having the church treasurer read a report at each quarterly meeting, showing the exact amount of tithes each person has paid during the quarter’, and also show the receipts from the State treasurer. After a full discussion, the recommendation was un- animously approved as being the best light that we have at .present. Bro. Flaiz called attemtion to a statement in Vol. 2 of the Testimonies, in” reference to free-will offerings, which says that the Lord re- quires no less of us than he did of ancient Israel; and from Vol.3,p.395, whichPeads that “No less than one- third of their income was used in religious offer- ings”, : co ~The last part of Tuesday afternoon was given to the discussion of Sabbath-school topics: “How to