rr rdane or err rtree 5 a rn a bm 8 =e na eva Canvassers’ Report for two Weeks Ending May 27, 1898. J. M. Little ~~ P..J.. G. Henrikson “ou A. Hawley “oe H. Christenson ee H. Shelstad Ce $48.10 $4.30 65 $4.00 30.50 4.27 110 1.81 5.25 50 © 51 3.05 760 135 40 1.05 33.20 415 89 70 *D,A.Deedon G. C. 650 .50 43 65 Mrs. Mec Guire C.K.&C.0.S.15.25 6.25 26% Margeret Goodman 16.75 44 Julia Johnson se 575 31 1.56 *C. L. Butterfield se 2.75 145 27 1.65 I. T. Andrus “ 11.00 2.10 7 97 ¥*Mary Vigdor “ 2.00 2.00 8 .05 Ernestine Reichel 1.00 225 14 1.56 $185.65 $28.12 49514 $17.05 *These reports are for one week. Camp-meeting is now over and we hope soon to have a good full report from those in the field, and from those who will enter the field again. Be careful that passion or self importance are not presented to the world or the church for religion. * * 0% O, that all the wealth spent needlessly and foolishly could be laid up in the treasury of heaven! Is there anything in the above state- ment for you to ponder? * * 0% Mrs. D. E. Scoles left the Camp-ground the first of the week for an extended visit to her relatives in Washburn, Mo. She went via St. Louis down the Mississippi River on the steamer. * * ¥ The four legs of the chair in which an- cient Sodom took her ease and went to ruin, and in which modern Sodom is riding to the same end are, pride, fulness of bread, abund- ance of idleness and failure to strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. * * * When a great sinner becomes acquainted with a great Saviour the result is a great sal- vation. If the Christian always stands ready to present the ‘‘shield of faith” to the enemy no harm can come to him from the poisoned arrows of sin; as their force will always be broken by the shield. Book| . Val ' ValoH. Hours Ex. One very significant statement niade by Elder Erwin at the Camp-meeting was that the rejection of the light: on: healthful: living by Seventh-day Adventists was the principle reason they were living on such a low plane, and proved it from reading the Testimonies. t*Missionary Magazine.” Do vou read the Missionary Magazine, formerly Home Missionary? The June number has just come to our notice filled with the most interesting reading. In the Special Topic Department we notice several interesting articles upon different parts of Africa, as follows : “Africa and Modern Missions”, “Our Mission in Matabeleland”, ‘‘South Africa, Hausa- land”, “Gold Coast, Personal Experiences on West Coast”. There are two other departments just as in- teresting, the next of which is the “Home Depart- ment”, and the other, ‘Among our Missionaries’ in different parts of the world. No one has asked the writer to write this, neither is it an advertisement ; but we do feel that if any one becomes a subscriber to this good, live, cheap (25 cents per year) paper by reading this note, it will be accomplishing a good missionary work. THE Sabbath-school lessons will be on the book of Genesis for the next six months. Dur- ing that time and that time only, the following special discounts will be 'made by us on “Helps” to its study : Mount of Blessing, in cloth, Patriarchs and Prophets, and Gospel in Creation in all bindings, will be discounted 50 per cent; Testimony on FKEducation, Healthful Living, and Christian Education, no discount. These books are the best helps we know of in studying book of Genesis, and are all written by Mrs. E. G. White but one. Write for prices to Minnesota Tract Society. HAviNG met loss by fire, we have been un- able to answer inquiries or fill mail orders promptly. But are now prepared to supply all Health Foods; nuts, nut foods, malt, nut but- ter mills, & c. at the lowest market prices. Address, Chicago Health Food Co. Limited, 898 N. T'alman Ave., Chicago, Ill. 14 1bs. Fine large Cal. Prunes for $1.00; 11 Ibs. Choice Evaporated Peaches for 1.00; Fancy Apricots 25 hs. box lots for 9¢ per lb.; Choice Peaches 25 lbs. box lots for 84¢ per lb., less than box lots 4c more per lb.; Good 3 Crown Raisins Tc per 1b.; Good Seedless Raisins 6c per Ib.; Best Peanuts No. 1 Spanish or Hand picked Vir- ginia’s 6¢ per 1b., 100 lbs. lots 5c. We are sel- ling scores of our Nut Mills. Have plenty more of them for $1.75 each. M. A. Winchell, 3621 1st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.