Canadian Union Messenger " As THE COLD OF SNOW IN THE TIME OF HARVEST, 80 IS A FAITHFUL MESSENGER. VOL. 11 � PORT HOPE, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7, 1911 � NO. 44 " Not many, lives, shut only oue have we, One, only one; How sa should that one life ever be, • That narrow span. Day after day Filled up with blessed toil, Hour after hour Still bringing in new spoil. " • WASHINGTON COUNCIL Many things have come up for consideration since the council began. Elder Haskel tells of the work in Maine daring the temperance paign in which fifty-five thousand of the Temaperauee.loaruotor were circulated among the people of that State in behalf of the cause of tem- perance. We are glad that we, as a conference, had a part in this work by donating a entaber of papers for the use of the workers. By actual count, the temperance people won, but by some immgukkeity in report- ing the accounts, the matter has been placed in the bawls of one of the government officials for ,final deci- sion, which may he withheld till the first of December. Elder Evans ' tells of many inter- esting matters in connection with the prOgresS of the work in China. In a revival meeting, held for one week, about two hundred heathen Chinese came to seek Christ. Something like thirty of these have since become stanch Christians. He spoke of the many direct answers to the prayers of the Chinese, and attri- butes the promptness and directness of these answers to their great faith. it is faith that brings the blessing near. It is expected that about four hun- dred and sixty-five thousand dollars will be called for in 'the budget for missions for 1912. $367,717.51 was appropriated for 1911. Any one who has taken the pains to look care- fully over the statistical report pub- lished some time ago in the Review and Herald, has noticed with much interest the great advance that is be- ing made in all departments of the message. It is expected the council will close Wednesday, November 1, when the committee will return at once to their respective holds to do all in their power for the completion of this treat work. May the dear Lord fill all our hearts with courage and earnestness; for the time is far spent, and the coming of the Lord is near. Wm. GUTHRIE. MISSIONS I note that we are a little short on the " Ten-cent-a-week-for-mis- sions " fund for the first nine months of the year. Let us push the Har- vest ingathering campaign, and also give a little more liberally so that we may close the year with a clean record • before the Lord. We raised the full amount of ten cents per week for each member last year, and I am sure we do not wish to do less this year when the need is even greater than it was last year. As we measure to others, so shall it be measured to us again. As we love our Master and perishing men, so let us give to carry to them the words of life. WM. GUTHRIE. AN APPEAL As I take up my pen to write this article, I have before me a letter from Elder Wm. Guthrie, who is at Washington, D. C., in council with the brethren. In this letter is a re- quest that I make an urgent appeal to the brethren of the Canadian Union Conference in behalf of the plans adopted by the General Con- ference council for raising means to meet the demands made upon them through the many calls which come to them for help. Those who have never attended one of these councils can not fully appreciate the great burden that rests upon the brethren, as they have placed before them the calla that come from those iu the forefront of the work. For years we have been expecting the time to come when the Spirit of God would go before us, and open up the way for the message to be given in the darkened corners of the earth. Now this time has come. The calls are coming thick and fast, and those who must meet the expense of this growing demand, are sometimes per- plexed to know just how to meet it; but they move out by faith, believ- ing that the same God who created the demand, will also work upon men's hearts to supply the means. With the evidences multiplying round us, saying that the Lord hasteneth greatly, is there one who will say to the brethren, " Your plans are too broad; your demands upon us too great " ? No; surely every one who is looking forward with delight to the appearing of the Master, will rejoice at the signs, and say to the 174 � CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER bniersli*tiY qp forward, 144the avi1l furnish -gni, ineiSn* to g7s0.*ppoiti thoie who leav6..14me and friends ,to fill these openings. Now when the calls are urgent, and your help is needed, is the time to transfer your treasures to the heavenly kingdom. Soon it will be too late, and your money will be of little worth to yourself, and of no account to the kingdom of God. Those who come to the help of the Lord's cause When the load is mov- ing hard are the ones who show their faith in its success, as well as their appreciation of his blessings; while those who bring it 'after the work is finished, do so only through fear. Consequently; what we do should be' done in the time of need. The brethren- in council have de- cided to finish the $300;000 fund this year; therefore, all pledges made to this fiind, should be paid•before January 1, 1912; and all who have not pledged to the fund, but desire to have a part in it, should send in their offerings also before that time. The " Ten-cent-a-week " fund they have decided to raise to a " Fifteen- cent-a-week " fund. This with the offerings made from the tithe fund by the different conferences, is to fur- nish all the means needed to for- ward the work in countries abroad. All .the different funds used for for- eign work, excepting the gifts from the tithe &rad, are to be counted in the " Fifteen-cent-a-week " fund. To our mind this is an excellent plan, as it furnishes a way for all to have a part in this closing work; and our confidence in our brethren 'and sis- ters in''the- Citiradian -Union Confer- ence, leads us ,tO believe that they will all see the advisability of this move, and heartily respond by giv- ing to these different funds; namely, First Day Offerings, Sabbath-school Offerings, Harvest ingathering, Mid- summer, and Week of Prayer Offer- ings, and in Sufficient amount that in the aggregate it will be fifteen cents or each person in the Union. • Pardon ills (-if it•is.!:Pnocessary to ask, pardon:) for expressing my appre- ciation for the liberal offerings made by the members of the On- tario Conference to these different funds. Words can not express the gratitude that filled my heart, as I sat in council last fall, and heard that Ontario was not only equal to ten cents per week in her offerings, but ahead. I am sure the record of 1911 thus far shows the same result. The letter before me, however, says that in the, Union ,we are short of the ten cents a week. I am sure the brethren do not want the records of the year- to close without changing this showing, consequently, I appeal to all our members to makes. grand , rally for this fund: and in defence of the good name of , the Canadian Union, as well as to do our, part in sending the third angel's message to the darkened corners of the earth, to take hold of the work in earnest. With the Ingathering number of the Signs, at our command and the week of prayer before us, I see no reason why we can not meet this call. We can if each one will do his . or her part faithfully and well: • Let none be found wanting in the end. M.C. KIRKENDALL. THE FIELD CHATHAM Dear MESSENGER Friends,— • • • Getting the MESSEN- GER each week is like getting a letter from home, so I concluded you would he• interested to know what we are doing in Chatham. About five weeks ago we- had new electric lights put in our little church. We then started again the Sunday night meetings with a good outside interest. Marked attention is paid as we endeavor to unfold the word of prophecy and hold up the light of truth. After speaking for an hour ands five minutes Sunday niglr,t, sev Arai said they could have listened for another hour. � -z4 We also have a good interest among the colored people here. Two Baptiit ladies have already started to keep the Sabbath. They talked the Sabbath question in their church un- til a discussion was created, but the minister would allow no one to take part who was in favor of the seventh day. His members finally concluded that Sunday is the right day to keep. The two ladies, however, say they are not discouraged, but will keep right on till,they are put out of the church. We have not brought any of the other truths of the Advent message before them yet, but when we do so, we hope and pray they will accept them; :and become Adventist workers among their own people; for there is a great work to be done among them. Yours in the •blessed hope of the third angel's message. MR. AND MRS. .1. C. -WILLIAMSON. HAMILTON :ONT. After an absence of nearly four weeks, Our hearts were cheered on our return to Hamilton to meet with a large company on Sabbath, Oct. 28. We have great -reason to be of good cheer; for nearly thirty new Sabbath keepers are rejoicing in the-truth. • We had a pleasant time while away, and met with some wonderful experiences. After visiting with our relatives, who were quite well pleased to see us, I decided to visit some of my good Protestant friends; so I at- tended the Hornerite arid Methodist churches, both located in the country. Most of the older members were those with whom I had associated when a boy. Arrangements were made with the pastor of the Method- ist Church for me to speak to them, and I accepted the invitation gladly: Sunday October 15, I had the pleas- ure of presenting the " Second Com- ing of Christ " to a large audience. CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER � 175 Another meeting was arranged for Wednesday night, and on this occa- sion the church was filled with people from different denominations. Con- siderable excitment prevailed when the report was circulated that I had spoken in the Methodist Church on Sunday and would speak again on Wednesday. The dragon got busy, and sent word to me that if I filled the engagement, I would be mobbed. It was even hinted that there might be tar a id feathers there. But Duet. 31: 6 gave me good courage, and I determined to fill the engagement. Every thing passed off without a rip- ple, but the following day I received invitations to remain off some farms of two hundred acres. I was almost requested to get off the earth. Noth- ing would have pleased me better than to remain and give them the message, as the Methodists had of- fered me their church, but I had to be back in Hamilton to fill my en- gagements. While in Ottawa, we had the pleasure of meeting with the faithful few, and had two meetings with them. They are almost discouraged at hav- ing no worker there. We also spent a Sabbath with Bro- ther and Sister Priddy in Kingston, and held two meetings there. We had the pleasure of being at their first Sabbath-school, and meeting three new Sabbath keepers. It was certainlv'encouraging to Brother and Sister Priddy to be able to open up their home for a Sabbath-school. They aro of good courage. The Lord is blessing them, and giving them fruit for their labor, as he will to all who engage in his work, and are williug to sacrifice for the cause. Sister Allen and myself have great reason to praise the Lord for his protection to us on our trip and our safe return to Hamilton again. MATT. J. ALLEN. " Lead, lives of love, that o',:hers who Behold your lives may kindle too With love, and east their lots with you." LONDON, ONT. The work here is advancing nicely since the cool weather set in. Dur- the hot summer days we found it hard to get the people together for Bible study. They were kept sup- plied with literature, however, and now we find many desirious of hear- ing more on these important ques- tions. Quite a number of homes are open to us where we can gather with interested ones to study God's word. Some are now making their decision. Remember these dear ones at the throne of grace that God may so im- press their minds that they will de- cide wisely, and step out by faith while probation still lingers. Regarding our method of work, we want to say that too much can not be said in favor of the Home Bible Study. With these in the homes, it seems easy to approach them regard- ing present truth. A great many in- quire about these studies as we call on them later, some .out.of curiosity; others anxious to know what is truth. With this latter class we try in some way to arrange for studies. Alto- gether we and much encouraged at the interest that has been manifested in our efforts. We have some very interesting ex- periences in this work. Some pleas- ant, others not; but when we remem- ber this is the Lord's work, we know that trail will prevail. I will just mention one experience because of a statement made. I happened to call on our English Church minister with a magazine, which ho blankly refused to look at when he found out it belonged to the Seventh-day Adventist denomin- ination. He invited me up to his study to show me the folly of-Ad= ventism, and of course I gladly ac- cepted the invitation. To my sur- prise, he tried to lay his foundation on Rev. 1: 10, stating that Presby- terians and others who call Sunday the Sabbath, make a mistake; for Saturday is still the Bible Sabbath, but Sunday is the Lord's day. Of course this was soon exploded, and his fire went out for lack of fuel. This gave me opportunity to• place before him some important truths among which I tried to picture the true work of the federated churches, and the results when they have fin- ished their work. Throughout the entire interview I noticed the spirit of intolerance he manifested, and my mind went back to the time when Rome held the scepter, and all others not believing as sire did were subjected to perse- cution and death. Dear ones, this dark cloud is hanging over the world to-day, and when it bursts among the nations, " there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation. " Are we• ready for it ? While we have a little time of peace left, let us bend every effort to this work that the honest in heart may be soon warned and gathered out, then we who are faithful to the end will receive a crown of righteousness which fadeth not away. MR. AND MRS. W AL H. BOYCE. 85 Smith St. THE ENEMY AT WORK The following is part of a letter written by Elder J. A. Strickland, of Harvey, N. B. Though not intended for publication, 'we feel sure Elder Strickland will not seriously object to our using it. It shows to what extremes the enemies of God's truth will go in their efforts to hinder the work. We are glad to see the work at Harvey is advancing, notwith- standing these efforts. The Lord will surely triumph. Let us remem- ber the workers in our prayers. El- der Strickland says:-- " 1 have all 1 can do, visiting the the people, and giving Bible readings from house to house. I had some very pleasant meetings Sunday. it rained all day, but a goodly number came out. The places I am working .7.1 • '3 iXR.n A-T-2 �v 01.1.7 �eV* MARITIME CONFERENCE OF S. D. A. STATEMENT REsouseins AND LIABILITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDING AUGUST 1, 1911 RESOURCES: Comiterenee.taataiond,equipment as per Fttenitorentid fixtures as per inventory Expense las ,per inventory Cash as tinder: Operating Funds Local Trust Funds inventory 8504.14 65.74 04,043 227.00 9.40 569.88 Accounts Receivable as under: Williamsdale Academy 636.32 Sundry 100.52 736.84 L I A RILITI ES Bills Payable 100.00 Accounts Payable 283.40 PRESENT WORTH of conference Aug. 1, 1911 1500.15 1883.55 1883.55 .176 � CANADIAN UNION MERSENCOR CANABIO 1,t141I014 Ifit80140Eil riiiNrn **kir Fon THE CA NA!ili.1Afit �cipiciERkiict or THE REYERTH-VAY ADVENTISTS BY THE CANADIAN PUBLISHING ASBOCIATIOB PORT HOPE, ONTARIO MABLE PATiEBSON i.14-1fJHiL,i 4.e.) ,,A4 � , � • _ TO OUR BEAttERS:— **41#4010131miy te .:lew# t. tlse -*sir - 'r! (41f,uoiMacal'ictata, ialkaY *al Cenferenee subscription price 110 cents a year. Aatii ta ("MO '3,1WPattg. 4001.010090,531106WWWWWWWP 6146 611-ett6tilitt64 With Harvey. The 1%403 here tongifier Anything within teninites. Mahe -distriet. I .believe by 04 .ititie" Winter is over, we will have daniettiing to show for our Wgrk. "Ito not have mach time to get 101teSonni. My house has hem stir- 1.i:hinged tirice near Midtiight by a ega*A4 411Eakia, NirlioAcave Indian yells mud � I 'simply told theta :to go ghead If they enjoyed it. � If their aim and nitibitiOn with winchesters is no better than that whicti they use against me in theirs Script ire Argurneits, I am in no da!jer. Yon need not think I am isj ay,y 4amer. Those who have at- temphsd to intimidate me are not cape) le of any real action. 'They simOy thought it a wise way to con- vert we to presbyterianism, but I auk. ssfe for the grand Old message yet; and hope some day to see some of my gun-shooting, yelling Presby- terian opponents rejoicing in the truth. " The General Conference council at Washington has appointed the Canadian Union Conference to be held in Toronto, June 27 to July 8, 1912. The address of Brother Matt. J. Allen is 26b York St., Hamilton, Ont. .- Church meetings will be held at .Hamilton in Kennedy's hell, cor- ner James and Robert fits., at 3 P. on Elabbeiths. y the feiVileineee of those Oing business with us, we were able to make large remittances to our credi- tors last month. ,One more such ef- fort will almost entirely pay our accounts. 0:Mers for " Acts of this Apostles " continue to ,,vocite. It is 'only $1.60 now, lb may be mere Atter. We hope coat stock will real ushs.time fer.the Indidays, but it has to come from California. If .you have not seen the George Washington number of Liberty, it will pay you to send ten cents for a sample copy. Order before the edition is entirely exhausted. Send your orders to this office. " I have been selling Life and Asuish. for ,over a year, " writes an agent who orders fifty copies a month. " I go over the same terri- tory every month. By so doing I have regular customers who appre- ciate the magazine. " " Do thy duty; that is best; Ceave unto thy Lord the rest! " mnroR 0. M. RUSSELL, Tea". C. P. A. NOTES Good orders for the 'Bible Read- ing Series of the 8iyae are beginning to come. In less than two mouths our Offer of the MESSENGER at thirty-five cents per year will close. CANVASSERS' 'REPORT FOR 2 WEEKS ENDING OCT. 27, 1911 Name � Place Book Hours Orders Value Helps Delivered A., 14ontre61, Que. P 40 29 $33 00 Total to Oct. 14 4741 1914 3547 00 1177 70 $300,1 55 Total to dot. 27 4821 '1048, 3570 00 1177 70 3*Ov 55