Apel Lovet cent Be TLE CoP talifornia, I 14986, r Near Jlster Tnite,=-- cud is, which seende to be eked whose with you to sored the place, I am gend- fey views and a brief Lictures can but Taint- and crand for exczllnat condition, well farnisned, tn electricity. Fveryihing Twa sin building has sixty= haying four rooins each, nave [our norches +yiat beds can DI nheeled right Gut ~atients can sien: in Le open alr. “here 18 LAFul building, ---a tWO sLOYY gostags of ning row oped Lodlet. some rr hu lion WSoleh hes hsaon FOOLS, would wake uma 3 ik i x 7 Laur Ea AT DTANTE I. eT 3 . sy ’ Fa. . a ores of acrloeibi, clung Fil almond. sre beaut iryvlly lein ont in lawns, drives, and