2 THE MESSENGER March-April FELLOWSHIP and TRAINING OF NEW MEMBERS — Co a oh ER IN IN Cl | Ci " PREPARATION: Clean church TE A A i i Ral ) Pa \ M pie Po 004 and yard. Prepare spacial 1 CA] AN ND = Ra Le | = 1 TH ul | baptism and welcome for i | | | | V0 new member. 5; lo ue a PLAN FOR SA Thy TT THE BABY | || [TT ru oo 28 EE fay /) WELCOME NEW MEMBER: PIG Potluck dinners, Bible study V/ 2 THE hours, prayer bands and genuine EX § NEW fellowship for the new convert. L = BABY + ARRIVES PAN AN hee FELLOWSHIP: Involve the new ee ben “ ar in member in all the church activities: a or Tr ; Te zl < So picnics, hiking, church socials. BAERS x ~ SND eR ~L) TS Ay TSE aR NE wo 0 $3 Rate Ye (mys = Bang = - Fass LOVE AND FELLOWSHIP SY 0 TRAINING: Every member A as h x . Is born into the kingdom of God J y CL a T | Sod TS to be a missionary. Invite Sa 7a we : Ea . FAS © Lee / the convert to join a i RT es V ig ool / | ; Vem [ —— Sl \ I missionary band. The pastor / 5 \ | ik ed I EE | i i ~~ 7 let BY | ™ y J or elder Is ready to conduct Lo VAR YE the training class. TRAINING Lol EE WORK FOR THE LORD: The new hie al "| Lo member should go out with an Aad) Cee AP experienced member. i wl CT g LEARNING BY DOING hy “It is a universal principle that whenever one refuses to use his God-given powers, these powers decay and perish. Truth that Is not lived, that is not imparted, loses Its [Ife-giving power, its healing virtue.” AA 206 Larger BS 4