111111M111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111N11111111;11111111111111111111M11111110111111111111HRIli 11111111114t, Your Last Chance ! When the church hells ring out the year 1916 and ring in 1917 your last .chance to secure the Reriew at -32.00 for one year'or $1.00 for six months is past. The prices raise then. You have. bcen planning to take this good paper for some time. Do it now. Sit down and. write a letter to the Canadian Publishing .Associ- ation, Oshawa, Ontario, order the Review arcd H&ald for a• year or for six months, enClosing two dollars or one dollar as the case may be and put it in the mail right a- way. Don't deprive yourself of the help of our. denominatipnal paper longer. ll I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I li I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ! I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIII1IIIIIII1I1IIIIIII I I 1 I I z-s -.4 1 � tkliiiiminflontintinoilimiiiinolimmiummuitinnoitiniiiimtosiiiimilmoinimilicioniiiiintimituitimituitiiimimouniumino03minumioiliiiiiiiiiinimimmiontitunannumitilotimittinicamminnoitiniminummitnomummiclommitimittummi[l l..". � 7. !„ � astern 'Canadian EL. 0 VOL. 16 Messenger No. 50 e-177-r-al Conference Library OSHAWA, ONTARIO, --,,A.:Arize.t< 19, 1916 Union Committee Meeting . The annual meeting of the Eastern Canadian Union Conference Committee was held at Oshawa last week. Those present were Elders A. V. Olson, G. H. Skinner, W. C. Young, D. J. C. Barrett, Prof. Spangler and the writer. By invitation we had wil la us also Elder W. W. East- man and Prof. Howell of Washington, and Professor Taylor. of Williamsdale. The presenee of these brethren for counsel was greatly appreciated by the officers of the Union. While matters of weighty import- ance to this field were un- der discussion — some of them of a very perplexing characier,thedeliberations were harmonious from be- ginning to end, and as we planned for the advance- ment of • God' s cause we felt our hearts knit to- gether in bonds.of brother- ly love. Separated as we are by long distances in this field we appreciate the privileges of mutual coun- sel.and association which .ksthese, • minim] ,committee meetings afford. ,) The auditing of the oiUnion laborers accounts. was attended- to • early in the meeting. The-camp meeting dates were arranged' kir' Fis follows: Ontario �June 21 (or 25) to July 1 A financial policy was adopted by the committi to be followed strictly every phase of our work' in each conference in 4-this Union. According to this policy no indebtedriesstrxbf any kind is to he allowed to accumulate in the oper- ation of any departmentin the cause. � It was that it would be -heifer to close an institution rather than allow it to operate at a loss. We hope to have every cent, of.1 indebtedness wiped out' of this •:Union within another', year and then we trust that. tie curse of debt rtiayinertver again • 'stain our !se'cords. From, the institutional Re- hater Fund , we i apmopti - ;lite& sufficient to Clear toff all the old debt'of dale Academy, and anothpr year will clear off � that Quebec �July 2 to 8 • Newfoundland Aupust 2.2 to '27 � • ri time • � September -8 to 9 It was voted to employ a Union field secretary' to supervise the book work in this field and ;each' conference as counselled, to provide a locale field secretary. remains on the Seminary In an.other,artiele fu rther actions ofr,liev,e,01,11- mittee will be reported. M. N. CAMPBELL 2 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER I_ ________.••_______. ONTARIO-1 _.......___.......,.._..,..........,..„,.............,.......,.._, Toronto "Ealarge the Mace of 'thy tent, ited kit them ..stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations:-spare snot, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; ffor thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles, and ireAke the desolate cities to be inhabited." This language while writtfiii and -gireeteto:tmeen- ituiies ago is 'marking its fulfilment ih fihe closing klays of the third angel's message. Not alone in ,Canada but 'in all parts of the world the people of God must enlarge the place of thoir habitation, not :for their own convenience, hilt that the • gentiles come in. Our people in Toronto have decided that this text was written,esperially to them, and for -this reason we are endeavoring to fulfil what it says. The little church on Awde Street that has• conven- -iently heldd-oer people for years, has finally been filled to•overfiowing. It. has been encouraging to all to see !speeplestanding in-the isles upon the Sabloath day be- cause there was no place for them to be seated. After -,a,seareh over- the ,ity we were finally able to secure ftind!rent for a -period of, several months, St.-Maty's .Cherch which. is located on the corner of Bloor and -Delaware. This building has a large basement and Ave- auditorium that will seat six hundred -people. which we 'hope to begin a series of meetings January 1-1-0..-Sabbath, the.2rd, will be our first service in the 1';1(../F7 church. Since coming to the city last spring we have been `''believing arid praying that the Lord would add to our number fifty nOW.Sabbath keepers by the time of our next campmeeting. We rejoice that half of theSe are .gathered in thus far, and believe •We � have the • rest by the coming date. :We-.shall be4lad to .haveany of Our brethren Who ;•are)roassitig throegh,the:.city, call at' oui'',1-16-me or at c7tihe eleurc.h. Take .-thet Bloor • car. and.'get •OIT 'at Dela- Avehue. Our quarterly meeting will be held tthellast---Sabbath in December. We invite those near siziorwho have not,the 'privilege of quarterly meeting -,66easions 'comei infand be with- us, and we urge all people"who are menaberwof 'this chuuCh and li v- fling:0*ft of the.city: where it is itnpossible,for them to tiveteddAlie.meeltring,,to..send us their testimony on rlif4Pe prayers of all our people through- --out the conference for the success of the work in this 401061,1Hity. � ;MtCOMAS. Farewell Visits Tuesday, December 5, we bade good bye to. dear Old Ontario, -Where we had labored -for the 'Mas- ter for a little over eight years. During that time we labored in five different cities. God blessed our ta- bors antillearly two hundred aceepted the truth and united ..With our churches. � Ontario was our first field Of Ilotbor and we enjoyed it very ,muoh. We felt that we could hardly say good bye to the different companies. Before 'leaving for Indiana we visited the church -at To;.onto, meeting with them on Sab- bath, November '25. Elder McComas gave us a -cor- dial reeeptiOn and'invited me to preach to the mem- bers, there being over one hundred •present. We have great reason to thank the Lord for the _good meeting. A number were present who had attended our meetings while I labored in Toronto and when invitedsto come -forward and accept the truth, sev- eral responded. -Quite a. number also who:have-been attending Elder McComas' meetings. came forward and asked for baptism, so twelve or fourteen decided to take. their stand with •God's,remnant people. The Toronto Central men) bers.who •have just' united ,with .the WeSt Side.chtircleenane.forward,•renewing their consecration,. and took a..firm Atand � Jesus ChriSt and the truth. We,evere glad to meet with •;a11 the members at Toronto but sorry --to- say',good bye. Elder Olson aecompanied us to Hamiltowand at- tended the Sunday night meeting • in the neat little church which was packed to the door. Here the Lord was present again and•five or six promised God that they would take their .:stand •with this:pep- -fire to keep the commandments. We- held two meet- ings here. On Tuesday evening •-fifty-five members and friends met at the home of Hi-Other -and •Sister Buchanan where a few plensant'hours. were spent in a social :meeting. -A nice progyam .was rendered °and refreshments•served. We had previously labored.iin Hamilton for nearly three years; and•,were-,igladftto meet all the members. From there we went to. Brantford and held. two meetings. 'They were. yell attereledandthesubjeuts -presented wereenjoyed. ,.At the close of -the .1:nest- ing .nearly all.presentstood and renewed- their vows and promised..God to remain faithful to the end. Then we returned te.,,Windsor where we, cele- brated the ordinances• with the• church. on Sfibbaith, twenty-eight taking part. On :Sunday night. there -was a large company ,out•oand 'we '.bade ,fatrwelltito 'them. ,41,rether .•Osear Gardey ;takes ,!iipAhenvieek there. A good interest ,-is'ehoccon and. Ii;befievela tetrolig churchweallbberaised up in thatoPlaee. As I write this I am sitting• in; theHReview office .Broth in � Bend, Indiana; andxamothinking , of goOd old Ontario. I wish to thank our frienda.femall they >have done.for,es.. .We Ayetre,aoam,-iwe,wuldinot visit r. EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER � 3 the Seminary at Oshawa, but I will take this op- portunity to say good bye to the students and teach- ers. Sometime we hope to see you all again. MATT. a. and MRS. ALLEN. 'Seminary Comments The past week .has. been a busy one for the Sem- inary. The Union Conference and Seminary Boards held their meetings here and we had the privilege of hearingrfrom °some of the inembers. Those present were,Elders Campbell, Olson, Young, Skinner, Bar- rett and Professor Spangler. Professor Howellwas with us several days. He came to counsel with the School Board and also to visit the school. Friday morning in chapel he told us of the .schools he had recently visited and we are glad to have the privilege of being a small factor in this world-wide work of education. His Friday evening and Sabbath. talks were tnuch appreciated. .Skating is now the order , of the. day: We are having.splendid,veather for this healthful exercise; bright, cold days, that invite one out of doors. By invitation of the 'Board Professor Taylor was present at the session. In chapel he told us of the progress at .Williamsdale. ,We.desire to become bet- ter-acquainted-with our sister school as we feel our aims are one in. this.field. The next general topic of conversation about the school is embodied in the 'words, "Going home Christmas?" By. Thus � the twenty-first we ex- pect to have but a small family remaining. A `.`Sweet" New Song 'We have been successfulin securing copies of a new song not found in any hook. The title is, '`Keep 'Sweet." It is a lovely song and easily sung. •,The 'third -stanza,' runs'like this: When all around you things 'go' wrong, .ENorrthere seems:defeat, ,You.may'he happy all day: bong, If.yon ittstr,keep.sweet. Chorus: Keep sweet, keep sweet, Thials, the only way; rThia,isfpe3way.0 win.thq 41v, If,you Otst,:kpep sweet. Laindaure you will .want copy. -The price :;is 5 ;;Dents a oapy,..or six,eopies.for125 cents. send all .or- ders. to,-F :7NVI,,Paapv-Takornai:Park; Waabiligtoni:1).C. ORDER the Morning Watch Calendar from the Canadian 'PAbji$l?}sng,,Aspocitt,ison,,, Oshawa. Price five cents a copy. QUEBEC • •••••1I•..• � ••••••••••••••••1...• Sutton One of the most, enjoyable, and I trust profit- able, visits that 1 have had for some time was with the newly organized church at Sutton during the week of prayer. As some of the members of this church live quite a distance from one another it was impossible for all of them to attend each service, but as the meetings were held at different places each had the privilege of partaking of the blessings which come as the result of earnestly seeking God together. I spent the first Sabbath at the home of Brother and Sister Percival Holden who live about three ,miles from the village of Sutton. They,have °rpm- ized a branch Sabbath school in their home for the benefit of those living in that vicinity, as they are about eight miles from tire place where the regular Sabbath school is held. The next day I visited at the home of Sister Richard and Miss Grace Derby, where We held a short service, and also at the home of Mrs:"Frank Holden. Monday night I spent at sis- ter Porier's in Sutton village. Tuesday morning .brother. McKinny met me at Abereorn.Station, and, be took me to his.home which is about six miles from Sutton. That night a meeting was held at the home of his son, who, with his wife, have recently accepted the truth. The following evening the service was held at the-home of •114-r. N. D.--Vilaterhouse. The Spirit of God was martifVed at this service in a marked manner, and we were led to rejoice as we saw the courage and hope which filled the hearts of those newly come to the faith. We earnestly pray that soon this entire family will' be rejoicing in the fond hope which cheers our hearts. I also'had th6 privi- lege of visiting at the home of Brother Arthur Morse who is another new Sabbath keeper. 'Thursday Sis- ter Gage and her son Kenneth took me to .Glenton to see Brother and Sister Cross who have been stand- ard bearers in this great cause ,for many years. It was a source of inspiration' to inetchearthern relate their early experiences in the message and tellOf 'their close association-with Elder and Sister White. `Returning to Sutton 'Mountain 'that afternoon I spoke to'the young people- in the school house where Elder,Young.and'Brother Saunders held their meet- ings, and in, the' evening I held my last service with our people-at this place. All, I. believe, consecrated their lives, their- time and their means anew to the great cause which we love so dearly. Brother and Sister-Saunders-haverworrthe hearts of the people in that, iegnyicu,94.0 epY4ilinirtAtAgul., seyytimmlfd we .scoifidently,,expectsee this ,new church shine as a, iliegvcm light and jAehljo quickly, tinish„the work 'in this great Pkovine,e.pf,Quebec. F. C,NVEBsTER. 4 � -EASTERN CAIVADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE. OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address � - Oshawa. Ont Edna Leach � Editor Entered as second-class matter. Price, 50 cents a year in advance. Directory Union M. N. CAMPBELL; PreSiderd � Oshawa. Ontario EDNA. P. LEACH, Treasurer � Ontario A. V, OLSON,, President � 11.1.4A. DUITeriti St.. Toronto, Ontario WAIT E L. LEACH, Treasurer � „ Maritime G. H. Si“NNER. President 154 Winslow St., W. St. John, N. B. Lut,c VANBUSKIRK, Treasurer „ Telephone, \Vest 2.51-41 Quebec Wm. C. YOUNG, Presiir Lennox v Hie, Quebec F. E. DUPTY, Treasurer � Box 3189 Montreal. Quebec Newfoundland D. J. C. BARRETT, Sept. Box 217 St. John's, Newfoundland GORDON SMITH, Treasurer Notice / �Fifty numbers constitute a volume of the ilfes- sower. One issue is omitted in mid summer and one in mid winter, Consequently there will he no Aile- senger next week. As this is the last issue for this year we take occasion to wish our readers the com- pliments of the season. Let one of your New Year resolutions be to ob- serve the Morning Watch during 1917. Satan will urge you not to make such a resolution. He knows very well how hard it is for him even to discourage those who take time to begin each day alone .with God and his Word, praying earnestly for wisdom and strength to do right in all things today. But make the resolution and keep the little calendar where it will remind you each morning of your appointment with with the Master and then use it to guide you in your reading. Standing on Mission Offerings to Sept. 30, 1916 1,••••-•••••••••••...••••••...4 MARITIME Y.... CO.., One tenth of man's income belongs to the Lord Return it to him with good pleasure, To Support one more worker in Maritime field And reward we shall have without measure. G. H. S. The publication of our statisticial report evi- dently.' affinded inspiration for an article -on "The Financial Side of Tithing," by Thomas Kane, in the Chritian abserrer (Presbyterion) for Deceniher 6. Speaking of the benefits which conic from the pay- ment of tithes, and citing' examples of some who have illustrated this principle in their experience, he says of Seventh-day Adventists:— Amuch fairer as well as more relevant illustra- tion of what tithing will accomplish in and for a de- nomination is afforded by the Seventh-day Adventists. There is nothing specially attractive, no special drawing power, in observing the s,-?synth instead of the first day of the week as the .Sabbath of rest and worship. The Adventists are neither alone nor singu- lar in their belief in the second coming of Christ. Mr. Moody and the late Dr. Gordon, of Boston, de- voutly believed that Christ would come again. So do thousands of Christians in all our churches, Except by their faith in the practice of tithing, how can we account for the remarkable' showing made by the Seventh-dayAdventists as a denomina- tion? They regard the•law of tithe, the tenth of in- come, as equally binding with the law of the Sabbath the seventh of time. Their official reports state that in 1870 they ,had, a membership of 5,440. In 1910 it was 104,526. Their annual tithe in 1870 was 2,182.46; in 1910, $1,338,689.65. � In 1913 it was $1,771,- 989.60. In 1870 the church controlled one sanitar- ium with 35 employees. in 1910 they, had :74 sani- tariums with 1,989 employees, with assets of 368,000, In1880 their total contributions to missions and other benevolent causes was $5.39 per capita; in 1910 it was $21.27; 1913, $23.42. This included the membership in foreign countries.- In North America alone it was $28.93 per capita for 71,863 communi- cants. • TheSe figures certainly do not show that they had grown- poor by tithing during the thirty-three yciars from 1880Ao 19153.„ � Review and Herald., • Ontario Maritime Quebec Nfld. Mem 550 266 150 62 Due $5241 2534 1429 590 50 98 50 86 Recd. $5649 2465 1596 1024 03 37 94 79 Short $69 61 Over $407 53 $167 44 433 93 • "Stay, stranger; Stay, as you are iiaSsing by: ' As you are now so once was I, As I am now, you soon may be; 0, then, prepare to follow me !" Union 1028 $9796 84 $10736 13 $69 61 $1008 90