ECHOLS FROM THE FIELD. Cd * Conference Committee Proceedings. Since the camp meeting the Confer- ence Commitee have held several meet: + ings studying the needs of the Confer- ence-at large.” With our limited corps of laborers we find it imprssible at the present time to answer all the calls for ministerial labor and Bible work. We have tried to do the best we could under the circumstances in the distribution of the workers, and feel sure that our brethren will pray for the workers as they take up their work in the various parts of the conference After careful consideration the following recommen- . dations were voied by the Commitiee: ¢ Elder J. S. Rouse to act as chaplain of the Boulder Sanitariom, and pastor of the Boulder church, Elder H. M. J. Richards to make Capitol. Hill his field of labor, acting as pastor of the Capitol Hill church. k Ider G. ‘M. Alway to make Denver bis field of labor, and act as pastor ofthe West. Denver church. Elder G, W. Anglebarger to locate in Pueblo, and make it and the Arkansas Valley his field of labor,” Elder H. A. Aufderbar to continue the oversight of the German work in the conference, assisted by Brother P. P. Giede. Brother Roy Hay to take up his resi- dence at Mante Vista, and make the San Luis Valley his field of labor. Brother H. B. McConnell to continne his labors in’ Victor and Cripple Creek. Elder W. D. Emery to assist Brother McConnell in a series of meetings, and then hold himself in readiness to an- swer special calls from. over the confer- ence. Elder M. A. Altman to make Fort Col- lins his headquarters, ahd answer calls in the northern part of the conference, For the present, hawever, Brather Alt- man will remain 1m Colorado Springs, as the work there demands his aitention, so this recommendation will be delaved, and other arrangements will be made for the nofthern part of the conference. + It was arranged that Elder Aufderhar and Brother W. H. Cox hold a 4 series of meetings in the vicinity of Calhan, Brother P. P. Gaede to go to the Brush district and labor for the present, Alice Finch to continue her labors in Pueblo. Mary Doan to continue her work in connection with the West Denver church. Bessie Sufficool to make Colorado Springs her field of labor. 'G. M. ALway, Secretary. Denver Many residents of the ciiy, especially those living near Rocky Mountain Lake Park, who attended our good camp- meeting and became very much inter- ested in tlie truth, e xpressed a desire 10 hear further. The conference commit. tee felt that it would be wise 10 follow up this interest. So,in harmony with this request, we erecled a large tent near the Park at the corner of Irving St. and - West 44th Ave.,. and have been con- ducting services each night for two weeks, We are glad to report an ex- cellent interest and good attendance. Last. Sunday night our large tent was filled. We praise God for the desire He has given the people to hear, We are hoping for frupis of our labors. We know that our people throughout the conférence will be glad to hear of the work here and what God is doing. Pray far the people and for us, that He may use us io His glory. H. M. J. RicHARrDS, G. W. ANGLEBARGER, Rov II, Hav, Sept. 24, 1911. Victor We.came home from our good camp- meeting with a determination to do bet- ter work for God than ever before. We are told in Jeremiah 29:13 “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all vour heart," ‘That was the desire of our hearts. There had beer some things in the Victor church which had hindered the work of God—differences that should not exist. So we called an afternoon meeting. No one but our own: people was there. We read Volume VI, page 42, first paragraph. Itsavs: “The Spirit can never be pour. d out while variances and bitterness taward one another are cherished by the members of the church, Envy, jealousy, evil surmising and evil- speaking are of Satan, and they effectu- ally bar the way againstthe Holy Spirit's working.” Second paragraph: “The words are ringing in my ears, ‘Draw to- gether, Draw together” Page 43, middle paragraph: “All these God bids us remove. He says, ‘Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for anather, that ye may be healed.” James 5:16.” We did this and the dear Lord came near in mighty power, and there was not a dry eye in the house, He says “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins B and to cleanse us gem all unrighteows- ness.” 1 Johm 1:9. {We followed the in- structions. Some -that ‘nad differences of long standing coffessed apd came to- gether. in love. Our hearts werei made glad te see these things for which we bave fahered and prayed. - We are planning te have a series of meetingsiand we felt that be- fore we commenced them we must get right before God, arfd then we could ex- pect the Lord te wokk for us. We ask to be remembered at the throne of grace that the work wit seen be finished and that the dear Lord may come and take us heme. H. B. MCCONNELL. . Windsor ——— Soon. after eamp-meeting | went to Windsor to take up!the work again. 1 held meetings at thé home of Brother G. Meyer, Brother Henry Kaiser came to me last Friday mdorning and said, “Brother Gaede, I have no rest in my soul. 1 will keep Sabhath with you, I want to be baptized tomorrow.” So we went to Lovelard, land Brother Kaiser was baptized last Sabbath by Brother Renz. We also held quarterly meetit g with the Loveland +German church: It was a great blessing for all, . Another family a} Windsor is much interested. We hape they will soon take their stand. The man and his son went with us to Loveland, and enjoyed the Sabbath services. The boy almost decided to go to our school at Clinton, Pray for the German work at Windsor. At the present tirde I am holding seme meetings near La Shlle with our Wentz church, - At this place the outside peo- ple show some intgrest to bear. Last Sunday night the church was filled. We will have meeting again tomorrow night, The good work of: God is moving on among the German brethren and sisters, P. P. GAEDE. Sept. Ig, 1911. The Canvassing Work RR The canvassing work i is moving ajphg fairly well again, ; The camp- meeting made a break in the work, but we are glad that most of the canvassers could come and enjoy theimeeting, When the Saviour was here gn earth, He cailed the disciples apart:to rest awhile. We believe that a rest it needful in this busy world today. Brother Anderson has finished his de- livery and will take up work with