1. Ze Se 4, Se 6, Te 8s 9, 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 21, 22, ANTS WHITE THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIANITY Sw WHITE LIBRARY FES UNIVERSITY Beilin SP RINGS, MICHIGAN Define: philosophy, Christianity. HZRITACE ROOM Why was a divine revelation necessary? Define "Personalism," Whet is the difference betweon Christianity as a philosophy and Christianity a religion? What are the two chief sources of our knowledge of Christian philosophy? Compare philosophy and theology. What are meant by "ontology," epistemology," nominalism", and "realism" (in the old scholastic sense)? Comment briefly on the three basic problems: origins, purpose, destiny, State the law of causality, Is this axiomatio? What is meant by an "efficient cause" (p.27)? Are there other classes of causes? What does Christianity teach regarding the origin of matter (p29)? Show that the idea of an eternal God as the author of the cosmos is not an arbitrary assumption, but a reasonable induction from fects. ( pe. 28) hat 1s the Christian explanation of the origin of energy? Comment on the idea that metter has intrinsic "properties" or is the seat of "resident forces," Why should we speak of the problem of the origin of "motion"? Do you know of a real "cause" of anything except the will of an intelligent being? Distinguish between a cosmos and a chaos, What about the origin of life? Vhat is the law of biogenesis? Commit to memory the quotation fram E, B. ¥ilson at the foot of p. 31, If God created life in the beginning, what forms of "life" must they have been? Is it reasonable that He created only one tiny speck of protoplasm (a single cell), and left this to develop into all the living things which we see around us in the world to-day? (See The Phantom of Organic Evolution) Ppe 202 =~ 209 What is memt by the phrase "after its kind"? (Gen, Is 11, 12, 21, 24, 25) What is meunt by the"origin of personality," as givon on pe. 32 of our textbook? What is meant or implied in the doctrine of an Eternal God, the Creator?