A Prefatory Word This has been written in a piecemeal sort of way. First, it was written for my own convenience ; second, I decided to enlarge upon it and put it in typewriting for some of my local friends here in the village ; third, when I decided to put it into this form in order to still further develop my thought, it was necessary (to put it into the best form) to rewrite it. But I could not think of re- writing all these words again with my inexperienced left hand, for it grew very weary in the first writing; so, instead of going all over it and classifying my thoughts and putting them into a more condensed form, I con- cluded to let my typewritten article stand as it was and write out a little more fully my thoughts on the same sub- Ject reviewing them from a different standpoint, referring to some of the same quotations and seriptures again, with additional ones. This accounts for some repetitions that might otherwise have been avoided. I have no disposi- tion whatever to call your attention to anything but the facts brought out which some of our people are not famil- iar with, and trust that the critical eye may pass over with a degree of charity the composition and the arrange- ment of the different points in the arguments, but would solicit the most careful and prayerful consideration of the arguments and conclusions. &