WIV 1 LEFT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Has id popular church one decades 10 join, there is a glamour that appeals (0 Ones ego. The church of your choice, as we all know, is popular; therefore, there is no sacrifice in be- coming a member ol at. The beautitul Gothic edifices ol worship. the pomp and ritualistic services which tend to captivate the cinotons, the enchanting music, the priestly robes, the genuflections, the vlitering tinargical objects that fas cinate the eve, the mystery of the Mass conducted in a language foreign to the worshippers-—all of these in- spire a sense of awe. This display of pride and opulence charms and in trigues. The rchigion of Jesus Christ docs not lend itself to any ostentatious dis- play nor exhibition of outward piety. The unobtrusive Galilean resorted to no ritualism, no vving for regal and political power. "These never entered into the life of the divine Son of God or anv ol His apostles. The apostle Paul attests to this: “For 1 think that God hath sct forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacte unto the world, and to angels, and to men, We are fools for Christ's sake. but ve are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ve are strong: ve arc honourable, but we are de- spised. Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst. and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place: and la hour, working with our own hands: heing reviled, we bless: being per- scouted, we sulfer it: being detamed, we entreats we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this dav.” 1 Corin thians 10-13. I do not believe that Christ has changed His standards for His tol fowers to-day. Those who are truce followers of Christ and Christianity will nat be honed among the grea men. Azam, I quote from the illus. rious apostle: “For ve see vour calling, brethren, how that not manv wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world 10 confound the wise: and God hath MAY, 174s chosen the weak things ot the world tn confound the things which are mighty: and base things of the world. and things which are despised, hath God chosen, vea, and things which arc not, Lo bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in His presence. Bur of Hin are ye in Christ Jesus, who ol God 1s made unto us wisdom. and righteousness, and sanctification, aid redemption: that, according as 1 1s written, He that gloricth, Ter him glory in the Lord,” 1 Corinthians 1:26-81. I deplore the kind of Protestantism with which vou were associated, and the things which vou revealed in vour article. T regret 1o acknowledge that what vou have stated 1s true. Protestantisin, in the best and true sense of the word, 1s at a low cbb. Protestants generally have last their love for the Holy Bible. They are (oliowing Rome in display and empty form. They are also dabbling in politics. Philosophical and matert- alistic sermons, rather than exhorta tions based on Scripture, are preached from 1heir pulpits. Skepticism and higher criticism in Protestant colleges have resulted in disbelief in the mn: spiration of the Bible. This unholy stream has filtered into the hearts of the laity, and thus we are witnessing the spiritual decline of the Protestant church. However, 11 must not be for. cotten that there are those who have tasted the power that God has in- vested in his Word. True. they are few In mumber as has always been the case of the real followers of Christ, While they mav be of hire repute among the socalled great of earth, vet in the eves of heaven they are esteemed. and will be rewarded with cternal life. (Deweronamy 7:7: Mat thew 25:31-16: Revelation 22:11) [ agree with vou on your stand against the prevailing lack of sane tity on the part of Protestants relative to the holy bonds of matrimony. But while [ deplore the Protestant divorce and all that 1c entaals, 1 lightly esteem the Sacred Rota and is anmulments. The Protestant divorce at least gives to the unfortunate children of such inharmaonious marriages a legitimate name. and saves the parents rom the disgrace of being ginliy of concubin- An Open Letter to Clare Boothe Luce age while cohabiting as man and wile. On the other hand, the Roman anuubment reverses this order by say- ing that no marriage ever existed; so, consequently, the offspring is illegit- imate. Hence my revolt against a court that produces legislation of this character and my utter disregard for the judges who, while wearing clerical robes, will venture to nullify and obliterate the most sacred union we have in this world, and deny that the nuptial celebration ever existed be- tween the incompatible couple. What a legacy to hand down to children whose parents have had their mar- riage annulled! Born out of wedlock! A stigma that they, without any fault of their own, must carry to the grave What a travesty of justice! The codesiastical judicial court known as the Sacred Rota was mn- stituted by Pope John XXII in 1326, and regulated by Pope Sixtus TV be: tween E71 ane 14810 Tt was further regulated by Benedict XIV in his reign as Pope during the years 1740 to 175%. As late as 1908. Pope Pius N re-established this tribunal where de- astons are reached on contested points. It is this tribunal where mat- rimonial cases are decided according to canon law. Tt is mn this court where canon law assumes the prerogative of nullifving the state civil law, a law which is in force for the purpose of preserving the purity of society. This court can extend its POWEr across the Atlantic to the United States, and deliberately flaunt the validity of the law of this country concerning matri- mony. When a couple, after fulfilling every requirement for legal marriage, are pronounced man and wife by the officiating representative of the law of the state in which they live, why should a few judges sitting in the city of Rome hand down a decision that counteracts and denies the au- thenticity of that lawful act? The (Please turn to page 14) By