Pathfinders Meet for Camporee Camp Waianae hosted the an- nual Pathfinder Camporee Oc- tober 8-10. A total of 150 Path- finders and adults {rom seven Oahu clubs were In attendance under the leadership of Ha- wallan Pathfinder coordinators Moses “Pops” Kahula and Er- nest Wilks. Sabbath worship was held in the dining hall. Aiea and Wali- pahu clubs had the song service. Sabbath school was presented by Diamond Ilead. Kailua and Waimanalo clubs. Central and Wahiawa clubs conducted the church service. Special guest speaker was former Pathfinder director Le- muel LLeialoha. He spoke on the history of Pathfindering in Ha- wall and eventually hopes to complete a book on their col- orful past. All clubs participated in a Honolulu Central Church grand opening and dedica- tion of Millner Chapel has been postponed until Decem- ber 25. Please call this to the attention of those inter- ested in these ceremonies. Millner Chapel dedication will be at 3 p.m. George Coffen, Pastor Central Adventist Church talent show Saturday evening. Pathfinders and directors alike shared singing talents. Young people shared a few games of volleyball on the new court. Field events on Sunday in- cluded knot tying, emergency first aid, drill team exhibition and tug-of-war between junior counselors and club directors. Health Screening Uses Community Services Van Hawailan Mission's Commu- nity Services van has begun its work with health screening pro- grams. The van has been in a number of shopping centers on windward Oahu. Free testing has been done for blood pres- sures, diabetes, children’s den- tal checkups, and glaucoma on several hundred people. Programs are under the di- rection of Delia de la Cruz, MD, pathologist at Castle Memorial Hospital and Lay Activities Di- rector Will Degeraty. Kailua Church has been ac- tively engaged in the mobile program. Lay Activities Leader John McConnell has had enthu- siastic response from volunteers in the project. They have voted to have this program continue once each month. Will Degeraty, Director Community Services iRequured hy 3 | U.S POSTAL SERVICE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION YIN Ch — T.TITLE OF PUBLICATION 2. 0OATE OF FILING 1976: Cees i. . ar , Pacific Union RECORDER October 25, J.FREQUENCY OF ISSUE ‘A NO OF 1550S PUBLISHED] 8 ARAL SUBSCRIPTION ANNUAL We ah jong I Weekly 50 $3.50 CA LOCATION OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION (Stroct Cuts County State and HP Codey Naot printers) College Press Bldg, CA 94508 5 LOCATION OF THE HEADQUARTERS OR GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICES OF THE PUBLISHERS (Nf printers 2686 Townsgate Road, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91361 SUAME © afl COMPLE TE ADRESSES Gh PUBL ISIE BLE DITOR ASL MATA ING LTH . PUBLISHER (Num and Address) FOITOR (Name and Address: . oo . ps . Cn ro or ore N - Migs Shirley Burton, 2636 Townsgate Rd, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91361 "MANAGING EDITOR (Napwe and Address . : i - : Corr . Is Mr Glen Robinson, PO Box 36, ANGWIN CA 94508 FOOAWNE 2 0 on ned he a corporation dfs samy avid address must be stated and also immediately th rend ses ob stock Rodiders on oning or holding Loporeont or more of total amount of stove 1rnot ononed hy a carporation the ngmes ard af the indo dual Guoners must he gicen ID ow ned bya partnersihup oc other wnincorpenate © form ats narne and address as aol us of each indnrdaal mist Bo isi ng NAME ADDRESS Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day 2686 Townsgate Road Adventists WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91361 . F i) POTS LOIS IL (IF RRS MOR TAGE Ba AND OTHE FT SE CHIRITY HOLL OD RS OWENS OR BOLING 1 PERCENT OR MORE OE TOTAL AMOUNT 3b 2ONDS MORTGAGES OR OTHE RSF CURITIES (Jf there are none so state) NAMI ADDRESS nonce : i i . 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E ‘ ; - PE ad | TS EE / ES os [i Ty T1200 OR COMPLETION BY PUBLISHERS MAILING AT THE REGUL 19 i) 50 3R26 provides in pertinent part Chio pEerson strail roan such inatter at the rates nravided under this sunsection un ta raid inatter at such rates eowith the provesions of this statu Poherety [Rae Bl rates presse! iy anthorized by a voH C3626 reauUest AR RATES who woul 1 have been entitled to mail matter under former section 4359 ot this title fess he tiles anny CTISSIOn to rad the (Seefion Je or Postal Sere Mano! / Aliy with the Postal Service a written reg aest tor permission potdication named no item oat the phased postage SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF EDITOR, PUBLISHER, BUSINESS MANAGER, Offt OWNER PS For , Apt St, 3526 fue 1 (Sve instructions on reverse) PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1976 ~ACFIC UNION COLLEGE President Cassell Will Be Ordained November 13 Pacific Union College Presi- cent J. W. Cassell, Jr., will be ordained to the gospel ministry Sabbath, November 13, at 4:15 p.m. in the PUC Church sanc- tuary. Pacific Union Conference President Cree Sandefur will preside at the service and de- liver the sermon. Elder Fred Veltman, profes- sor of religion at PUC, will of- fer the prayer; W. M. Schnei- der, education director of the Pacific Union Conference, will give the charge; and Northern California Conference President Helmuth C. Retzer will give the welcome. Other ministers taking part in the service will be: Roger W. Ccon, professor of religion at PUC, Erwin R. Gane, associate professor of religion, Morris L. Venden, pastor of the PUC Church, and John Staples, chairman of PUC’s religion de- partment. Ordination will qualify Cas- sell to function in all church rites and ceremonies such as baptisms, communion and mar- riage. Cassell has an extensive backeround of administrative werk in several Adventist edu- cational institutions. Prior to coming to PUC, he was academic dean of Southern Missionary College 1963-67. He joined PUC in 1967 as academic ATTENTION: DENOMINATIONAL EMPLOYEES A special supplement to the 1977-78 California State Scholarship application process needed by denominational employees with children who qualify for educational allow- ance scholarships is currently available from the Pacific Un- ion College Student Finance Office. The supplement covers the manner of educational al- lowance reporting as well as other items such as reporting of both taxable and non-taxable income. Those who qualify for the educational allowance and who are applying for the state funds for the first time should be familiar with the supplement and how it relates to the overall completion of the application, director of student finance. The deadline for the first phase of the application process is December 4. The supplement has also been given to academy coun- selors in the Northern and Central California conferences. If denominational employees need further clarification on the supplement, they are invited to write or call the Student Fi- nance Offices at PUC or the La Sierra Campus of LLU. The PUC telephone number is (7/07) 965-7517. notes James Manley, dean and was named president in 1972. ITe and his wife, Charlotte, who is a registered nurse and relief supervisor at St. Ielena Hospital and Health Center, have a son and a daughter. Jon, 19, is a freshman at PUC, and Jan, 23, is married and living in Petaluma. According to Elder Staples, ‘President Cassell 1s being or- dained in recognition of his re- sponsibility as the spiritual leader of PUC since the college seeks to inculcate In its stu- dents the principles of life as practiced by Seventh-day Ad- ventist Christians.” PUC Religion Professor Will Receive Doctorate Elder Erwin R. Gane, asso- ciate professor of religion at Pacific Union College, will be awarded the doctor of philos- ophy degree in religion at the 1976 December graduation ce- remonies of the University of Nebraska. Elder Gane’s thesis is titled “The Historical Significance of the Scriptural Exegesis Em- ployed in Some Sixteenth Cen- tury Sermons.” He rescarched the sermons of Catholic and Protestant preachers and com- pared their use of Bible scrip- tures for his dissertation. Gane was a religion teacher at Union College 1n Lincoln, Nebraska, before joining the PUC faculty in 1973. (ar resT— Committee of 100 Meets at PUC Maynard, Raymond H.—b. Aug. 14, 1913, Bellevue, Wash.; d. Oct. 11, 1976. Lancaster, Calif. SUrvivors: wife, Maxine; son, Harold; daugh- ters, Bonnie Foote, Sheryl Meyers, Paula Hintz; 10 grandchildren. Meckler, Robert E.—b. Feb. 10, 1899, Harvey, N. Dak.; d. Oct. 17, 1976, Lodi, Calif. Survivors: brothers, Thomas, Daniel; sisters, Pauline Leer, Emma Flack, Martha Rags- dale, Ottelia Schlenker, Jean Reis- wig, Hilda Bechthold. Miller, Rose—b. Nov. 22, 1900, Sicily; d. Oct. 19, 1976, Grass Valley, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Lillian Prigley; son, Rosario; brother, John Lapi- ana; 7 grandchildren; 4 great-grand- children. Morris, Frances D.—Db. 1900, San Leandro, Calif; 1976, St. Helena, Calif. husband, Myrl; daughters, Watson, Shirley Sears, Vold; sister, Ruth Motta. Morrison, Elder Leonard Ambrose— May 30, 1899, St. Catherine, Ja- maica; d. Oct. 4, 1976, Oakland, Calif. Survivors: wife, Hilda; sons, Leslie, Kenneth; daughters, Valda Boyd, Kathleen Vanderberg; sister, Imogene Grant; 10 grandchildren. Served more than 50 years; until retirement, in the West Indies Un- ion as assistant treasurer, and sec- retary-treasurer in the East and West Jamaica conferences. Since retirement he worked part time in the Northern California Conference treasury department. Morrison, Harley Derwood—b. May 1904, Byrd's Creek, Wis.; d. Oct. 7, 1976, St. Helena, Calif. Sur- vivors: wife, Helen; son, Harold; brother, Theodore; a granddaugh- ter. Peterson, Julia B.—b. May 2, 1882, Sweden; d. Sept. 8, 1976, San Jose, Calif. Survivors: sons, Carl Henry, Gunnar; 3 grandchildren. Petitt, Herbert W.—b. July 30, 1917, Maceline, Mo.; d. Oct. 21, 1976, Mountain View, Calif. Survivors: wife, Thelma D.: sons, Ronald Rol- lins, Lawrence J.; daughter, Donna Lee Bairos: mother, Cora; brother, Al; 10 grandchildren. Sept. 15, d. Oct. 14, Survivors: Leatha Marjorie The Committee of 100, a group of Pacific Union College supporters dedicated to the long-range development of the college, held their annual mem- bership meeting Sunday, No- vember 7, at 12:30 in the PUC Dining Commons. Members of the group of 185 include alumni, college faculty and administrators, business- men and various professional people. In addition to hearing reports on the college, the group will elect four members to its 15-member board at the dinner meeting, according to Rena C.—b. June 5, 1892, Kentucky; d. Oct. 4, 1976, Redding, Calif. Survivors: sons, Hugh, Roger; daughters, Mary King, Helen Chinn; 9 grandchildren; 13 great-grand- children. Van Horn, Ronald—b. Feb. 23, 1925, Mason City, Ia.; d. Sept. 9, 1976. Survivors: wife, Ruth; brother, Eld- er James F.; mother, Rita. Vitale, Francesco—b. 1891, Sicily, Italy; d. Oct. 11, 1976, Glendale, Calif. Survivors: wife, Domenica; cousins, Tony Vitale, Joseph Por- tale. Witt, David—b. April 18, 1956, Long Beach, Calif.; d. March 4, 1976, Re- dondo Beach, Calif. Survivors: par- ents, Donald, Doris; sister, Debra. Yeoman, Vera Eloise—b. Nov. 4, 1903, Santa Monica, Calif.; d. Sept. 14, 1976, Paradise, Calif. Survivors: husband, Paul; son. Paul, Jr.; sis- ters, Charlotte Vervaeke, Junc Barty; 2 grandchildren. Zirkle, Lois—Db. Dec. 5, 1887, Tevis, Kans.; d. Oct. 17, 1976, Yuba City, Calif. Survivors: son, Olen; sisters, Esther Twing, Blanch Ritz; brother, Lester Fasig; 3 grandchildren. Riley, Director of Development and College Relations Don J. Coles. “In my judgment, one of the most important things that has taken place at PUC In recent years has been the establish- ment and growth of the Com- mittee of 100. “The croup of dedicated lay- men has assisted the college tremendously by their counsel and financial support,” says College President J. W. Cassell. In the five years since its beeinning, the Committee of 100 has financed construction of the first phase in a three-phase Science learning Center. Phase one houses the mathematics, behavioral science and nursing departments. The committee's next project, notes Coles. will be to help fi- nance the second phase of the center which will include lab- oratories for the chemistry and physics departments. Officers of the organization include President Caleb Davi- dian, a dentist {from Placerville; Vice-president Lawrence R. Winn, a physician from Sacra- mento: Secretary Theodore Cheek from San Francisco and Treasurer Robert Strickland, PUC's business manager. Coles serves as the Committee's exec- utive secretary.