‘STATE DIRECTORY. -CONFERENCE. Office 336 East Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. President, Eld. C. W. Flaiz, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Secretary, Eld. D. P. Curtis, Wasioja, Mina. Treasurer, C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. TRACT SOCIETY. President, Eld. C. W. Flaiz, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Sec, and Treas., L. B. Losey, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. Sec., Wn. Asp, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Corresponding Sec., Mrs. A. E. Ellis, Dodge Center, Minm State Agent, J. I. Pogue, Hulda, Hennepin Co., Mina. SABBATH SCHOOL. President, M. H. Ellis, Dodge Center, Mian. Sec. and Treas, Mrs. Fannie Johnson, Mankato, Min. To Our Customers and Correspondents: THE following important features of the Revenue Bill (which becomes operative on the First of July, next) are respectfully called to your attention: Any person SIGNING a check, draft or instru- ment of like nature, which does not bear a 2 cent stamp, shall be subject to a FINE of not more than $100, and such document or instrument shall be com- petent evidence in court. Section 9 provides that revenue stamps shall BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON USING THE, SAME, TOGETHER WITH THE DATE OF USE. Failure to do so shall render the person sub- ject toa FINE of not less than $50 nor more than $500, or IMPRISONMENT for not more than six months, or both, at the discretion of the court. Section 10 imposes a. fine not exceeding $200, at the discretion of the court, upon persons using any instrument covered by the Act which does not bear the required stamp. A revenue stamp of 2 cents is required upon all bank checks, drafts or certificates of deposit not ‘drawing interest, or orders for payment of any sums of money, drawn upon or issued by any Bank, Trust Company or any person or persons, companies or corporations, at sight or on demand. Bills of exchange, drafts, certificates of deposit drawing interest, or order for the payment of any sum of money otherwise than at sight or on demand, ‘or any promissory note and each renewal of the same, for a sum not exceeding $100, require a rev- enue stamp of 2 CENTS; and for EACH ADDI- -PIONAL $100 or FRACTIONAL PART thereof, in excess of $100, 2 cents. —ITEMS— Mr. M. H. Ellis stopped over night in Minneapo- lis on his way home from the Pelican Rapids Camp- meeting, after ten weeks of labor in Camp-meeting work. He reports a good and successful meeting at Pelican Rapids, which will be reported in next weeks WORKER. * * R Those who have occasion to send money either to the Tract Society or Conference, please remember that the new revenue law mentioned in another column takes effect July 1st. We would suggest that La money be sent by express or money order, as we are not aware that a stamp would be required on. them, The revenue thus derived from sale of these stamps is for the purpose of paying war expenses. Bro. Gust Freeman of Lake City, one of our old time canvassers, renews his subscription to the WORKER for five years in advance and accompanies his order with cash. We do not ask any of our sub- scribers to treat us so generously as this, but would be pleased to receive your renewals for one year. Many subscriptions expire this month and as notifi- cations have been sent you, please do not forget to renew. ” We shall be pleased to have reports of those wlo are farming for the Lord this year as to how the crop is progressing. We are pleased to report that we had the pleasure this week of seeing the few acres which were planted near Minneapolis by Brethren Teachout and Wedge and dedicated to the mission work. The crop is in a thriving condition and every- thing seems to indicate an abundant harvest for the Lord. May the Lord of the harvest bless the sowers and the reapers. exeas {Jants, For Sale, Ef, anees Short ads. inserted under this heading at 5 cents per line, or 25 cents per column inch. Address advertising matter to the Minnesota WORKER, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED, canvassers to sell Sanitarium Health Foods in their own locality. For in- formation and terms address E. G. Burdick, 123 Washington Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED, a competent and reliable man to work on farm with his wife to do house work,—good house-keeper required. Address J. C. Kraushaar, Mansfield, Minn. WANTED, a strong boy or man to work on farm, to commence about July 10th. Good wages to the right party. Address, Box 436, Owatonna, Minn. For SALE: One new Straube upright piano, style M., mahogany finish, warranted as good as man and money can make. Price in Minneapolis $375 part on tine, or $325 cash. Will take $100 less than cash price (or $225). Desire to dispose of it be- cause of being unable to carry it with us in the work. Write for particulars as to terms, etc. if you desire a piano, or if you know of any one who wants a good piano please let us know. Address Mrs. C. L. Em- merson, Luverne, Minn. Something New—*NUTCOA". A pure product of the cocoanut. To be used in the place of all animal fats, for cooking and short- ening. Never gets rancid; is oderless, tasteless. Goes farther than lard. 25c in 1} 1b. cans, 15¢ per 1b. in 3 and 5 1b. cans. Address, ‘‘Nutcoa’, 123 Wash. Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. . MALT EXTRACT. We now. have a good sup- ply of Malt Extract which we ship at the following rates: 10-1b. can $1.15, 20-lb. can $2.20. COOKING OIL, 10 gal. can $5.50, $3.00, 2 gal. can $1.40, 1gal. can 75c. A full supply of Sanitarium Foods at lowest prices. Dried Fruits in quantities to suit. Choice evaporated peaches 8% c per 1b. Choice evaporated apricots 9c per lb. Extra Cal. prunes 7 ¢ per 1b. Good 3-crown raisins 4% c¢ per 1b. = Fresh Fruits at wholesale prices. M. A. Winchell, 3621 1st Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 5 gal. can