The Gutenberg Bible is the first Bible printed fron ravveahble ty pe. Wihear 5 hlcssing he invention nf printing has been to mandkisd only sternirv will coveal, However, the same up fo- date prophecies are caaratined fn every present-day T t ; ; TOR] Jv athan to ohn AVC SCE ut WW plicated thar oven he most pow rial sav erniongis Dd a pocveasite Iv dithende do nike ap then minds, Lhe vente eo Ton) [Phe Ne Ns Hs Ty prrabidenns, [1h Dlose itt sph Chet appenimes paw the Lorne Flinn aezeniany seeins ut repeal unianehine the Sand db chs perplexity there 1s which we can deter roils, fend [FTN VES Caren NOMEN bron mine nen ob the crear happenings edd the Liou. A TDi soadent an about boa versity, ole anos che oui linn of Prpstony A Pov erold in ITE seed chap Litow Tho } it WIVES thie tise lec land, “ 1y are, CIVES ontpdnne 1s goto? top of Pory dh enc fb Greler of over Cag th [vine Cond conbd Nave watiien tho rpcbat ec Hoan to Jirss Foo doc hares tat the he avast le | td Caends Wenrd ane sore than hinan evesinhe, (! PLO Plow one this as he of Jonope canstinites a IH00v ear coi hetthies tn aetna world Dappenings He fron History profi Fos eal an ih wctrdey af the mopli ces ol the second clapton of Daniel, Only the living Cod can ool the end frome the begimmme, (lsammh 16-0100 Prophecy alone provides sure aiswer ta the questions brought bv current events, Present world condiaons aye an sur: prise to Godo Gad has never been surprised by anv torn taken no the course of human history. He forewnld rhe events ol to-day dhivoueh His prophets ol vesterday, Many were overwhelrmnglv surprised at the hors rar of vodern vlobal warfare and the meer cless cicrenoy of mass shghrer Prtit n iin we Ven cei aes the A {i propher Jool wiote of the tae in bus dn history when thas old work vot let De SWOOP ato loll cornet, Coch Boa-tin Aid thie prrophict Nit Bove, seven noch edd soars Lebo Chrst, vividly desorihed walle an these pice te haved words on us Treroos are const. vicam like fac, THR hye Shei fis cormieniredd crores , y . I © a res cfoiriods ten throne thee thie broad darting hike ia uhm ther he nneses the packad men i cottitry, anid allop eros sprees, Hashim Bike tories, I thoy shige ahead, vhey case to the wadll” Nebo Zonch Molten nase tation, Plow coapducadiy this prophesy of old \ depots the nodern Bilin! When Josas Chriss was Flo ton erodd tha jist fy! Gijon cant h Pita [hie WL adver thao ! would Tyan ee of dis Leess ol nattans and ool npvearsal don sebuie Ir would ved fron vs dis tor bance ol the tonrcos whipon coded due heavens, (habe D0 200 nn Ten Cond has owthined Toy os hionan base [ory or ahvanee Tie dessin eer cvends of the future aoe repped oo ju the aren prophicer wood Bhs A ord, Tots uot the prpeose of this arsacie to sidpnavize the sivies ol comers tors or the cieat leaders of the von ld ro day, Those coments min he HE CHErent anagasdie sand newspapers radio. We raerely JNO LO read or heared over the wish to read propheay’s sore of the perplexing question, of our hiv, the United Nations Unite Europe? Chie of the greatest questions shee thie clase of World War IT has heen: Con the Tinted ine come Can Norions [ithe Porn ad nny to he wd tonne conn ol Faovopes Tie thie second dhiagaer of braves the propher fororobd ihe re clothes pious of Westen Faroe as the oosuhe of the Fp vicwder nn nanny of Farag Liroakrs of ahie oid Lotion Sprettho ol irae Pejoie scott cob by thie tony deen orl roe ined ay on thie prrophenic me, the Prrispabiet de Crete ' 7 , § . clare dd f ty Ard JLeal ebeiiie iRise y Soli, Ever us Dorr Is bob pvr! with clay, © Daneel 20000 Waal, wolids the Bille predic that ter ia Pion or | SCcced Te pera ti ilies cotnbiniion ol rita singe bog cope ander ani Hae, hese seven words od destiny, TE hey shall nor dene one i fee another Dave wthstooed the oro at- cs veectanizod fonoies of nan, They Bioave dotenied « VEY woth Deoputer of Potro avd ob thie world Wl tlhe cove the a bred Dorons boos che boa is cb Deabork me the too overhead hin those words, They shall vor Cleave Thi trove wr tie Nations on the core Lee ano oer” SUI Seva ditties ol the toned day af sion ob thee Londen Ag Stabe and BLOALnan, when Halo s orem PEIRCCr SNOVEnIenE wis sek to en circ the Nem Posts those sane sven wid ihe me words predicted has tadure Aad alee the fall of Beclins when they were dha ane for Phider hmsclt wind the robe Ble of che erty, there stood (hie same severe words of prophecy thay Tila lad olod to heed Only owhen the kinedoms of cha worl) are supplanted bv the crernal Mined af the Mince of Peace wall ail [ovo aud the world be ander One fhe Binle prophecy has predicted both wr NOON NY Lh ieee TETAS