Brother Daniel Harr, of Cleveland, vizited the office recently. We are glad to mention that a little over 3%2,000 have been reported for the Publishing Fund as a result of the Big Week campaign. Two weeks ago Elder Humann bap- tized 7 at Nevada as a result of the efforts of the Medina church, with the assistance of J. H. Seibel. A new sprinkler is plaving ou the church campus daily and the grounds are rapidly beginning to be converted into a velvety green carpet. Brother Roy Saunders, after having sold his machine, returned te the office, meeting one of the canvassers and leaving for the field again the same day. Elder H. H. Humann spent a recent Sabbath with the believers at Robin- son. He baptized 14 adults which the message this winter under the labors of the local church and Brother Sam Riley, of Jamestown had won. The following workers are expected to he at our camp-meeting: Elder Charles Thompson, J. T. Boettcher, E. Oswald, David Voth, E. T. Russell, J. K. Fischer, Dr. C. P. Farnsworth, Pro- fessors C. A. Russell, H. J. Sheldon, and J. J. Koehn. By the time this “Reaper” reaches vour home the North Dakota camp- meeting will be almost past. We sin- cerely hope that we will have a good attendance, and we are sure that you will receive a rich blessing. We aim to make this meeting highly spiritual, and by the Lord's help we will suc- ceed, Minnesota Office—1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul. President—A. J. Haysmer. Sec'y-Treasurer—S. D., Hartwell. sab, Sch. Sec'’y—Mary D. Hopkins. Field Miss. Sec'y—IH. A. Rentfro. =» Tract Soc. Sec'y—0. U. Giddings. All offices address. Religious Lib. Sec'y—Ii. G. Hayes, 2408 First Ave. S., Minneapolis Bdu. and Y. P. M. V. Sec'y—H. M. Hiatt, Anoka. = Home Miss. Sec'y—H. Christensen. NORTHERN UNION MINNESOTA NOTES Miss Olga Samuelson, Bible worker in Duluth, visited her sister, of Paynesville, after camp-meeting. REAPER 5 Two Dollar Day, June 235. Summer-school at Hutchinson, June 27—August 19. Come. Miss Erma Jondahl, Bible worker in St. Paul, went to her home at Cass Lake after camp-meeting for a vaca- tion. Elder Green, in charge of the Negro Department, =pent the Sab- bath in the cities when passing through. On account of the illness of Miss Hannen's mother, Miss Isabel Kenyon assisted in the offize tent at camp- meeting. Sabhath School Lesson Pamphlets should be ordered at vnce for the new quarter, that the daily study of the leszon may not he interrupted. Mr. Alfred Sand, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is taking up the colporteur work in Polk county. We are glad to have Brother Sand with us again. Word hax heen received of the ar- rival of a little girl, Marjorie Helen, at the home of Mr. ond Mrs. George Sather, of Winnipeg, June 12. Brother Rentfro reports that the colporteur meetings at the camp- meeting had a larger attendance this year than in any previous year. We wish to take this opportunity of thanking those of our brethren and sisters who at the Departmental Col- porteur Day offered their homes to our colporteurs, Elder Haysmer performed the cere- mony at the wedding of Miss Auda Boorum and Mr. Koehler, of Birnam- wood, Wis, at Miss Boorum’s home in Detroit, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Koehler will enter into the colporteur work at once, doing city work. Our readers will be interested to know that the camp-meeting sabbath- school offerings for both Sabbaths amounted to 33,347.53, which exceeds other like offerings of previous vears. We feel that the Lord impressed His people there to give liberally, and that they will be abundantly rewarded for this expression of their faith in the soon-coming of the Savior and the need of doing while there is oppor- tunity. Two Dollar Day, June 25. Miss Hopkins reports that six boys and girls had 100 per cent. notebook work at camp-meeting, viz. Orvilie Pogue, Frank Thill, and Esther Jones, of Minneapolis, Mabel Sproed, of North Branch, Marian Goodacre, of Wheaton, and Wilbur Mankato. Cornwell, of Two Dollar Day, June 25. MONTIVIDEO On May =zeventh the company at this place greatly enjoved a visit from Elder A. H. Rulkoetter. Sabbath was a beautiful day, and es the little flock after the Sabbath services gathered on the wooded banks of the river, all nature seemed to rejoice in the solemn scene, while four precious souls arose from the watery grave to walk in newness of life. These were after-fruits of Elder Rulkoetter’s efforts here about vears ago. two In the afternoon we met at the home of Sister Hart to partake of the ordinances of humility and the Lord's supper. Please pray for us that every member may be among the waiting ones, when the Savior comes, and be winning others on the way, Alice M. Nutting. Two Dollar Day, June 25. Summer-school at Hutchinson, June 27— August 19, Come. HOME MISSIONARY DEPT. Anol Grundset, Secretary. i PRICES PAID FOR NEW MEMBERS It ix estimated that the cost of each new member added to the denomina- tion through the usual evangelical method is $145. The following state- ments, therefore, are interesting and worthy of serious reflection: A brother \ in Charleston, South Carolina, says: “Four years ago I received four copies of “Present Truth” which weighed upon my mind for four years and finally led me to give my heart to the Lord, and unite with the S. D. A. Church, having been a Baptist for sixteen vears.” These four copies of “Present Truth” cost two cents four years ago, with post- age of one cent, maling a total of three cents.