E.G. White Research Center TT fs FILE COPY DF u HO# THE PAYMENTS WERL MET Just after hearing the report of the reluctunce of the San Diego church to sanction the purchase of the Loma Linda prorerty,¥ there came a severe test of faith to those who had cocunred the responsibility of carrying Loma Linda until it shonld be decided who ultimately should be responsible for it. The Conference Committee at the first meeting, in the Los Axyreles church had inferred that they would assume the obli- gation providins the delegates re ppesent ing all the churches shoul? authorize iv But before a final meeting oi all the deizgatrs could be c:lled to decide the matter, another $4,000 vo wish be mised and paid in to the azent to couplete ihe rirst payeent or We should fall in carrying out our part of the con- tract. In that case we would lose the $1.000 already paid in, sad the oroparty mizh% be nlaced beycnd the possibility of our gJeizassicon: BEDE an BP ED GF WP AS a Gh YE Gh ED WS 4B TS aD ¥*Kots: The2 brethren fn the vieinity of San Diego had borne heawv: financial burdens in the securing and equipping of the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. This wz2c still being maintained and develope without Qonference support. The Conference had given i1ts suuport zr1 influsrnce to the Clzndale institution, and it was natural that the Lreturen in San Diego fecing this siteation should fear Lhet if they voted for the Conference to undertake another large sanitayrivm exterprise, they =1lsc would be called upon to give heir financial support to it. Further, it 1s evident that the securing of this property would make 1t even more difficult to secure the necns they needed %c develop the work at Paradise Valley. These considerations, tegether with the fact that they cid net lave pre. mnted to them all the counsels that had come regarding the securing of Lome Lirde, are doubtlecs the main ressol. why ihe brethren assembled in San Diego felt that ther oid 2eh vote fer the Conference to assume the responsi- Bali uu © onurchasing Loma Linda, U ct {. { /