1 Lie Faradisc Valley Sandtarim dre money frow the friends of the cause which it Tepresents, The brethren and sisters of the Southern C'alifornia Conference have done much to help the three sani- tariums in their territory, and our friends in the Eust have lent their assistance. In this they have demne well. At the August (1908) camp-meeting in Los Angeles. our brethren pledged many thousands of dollars to the foreiegn missions. And Sister Got- zian. who has heen a strong supporter of our Cali- fornia sanitariums. is desirous of transferring some of her means to the needy enterprises in Nashville, Madison. and Huntsville. Our brethren in charge of our sanitarium work must not he left destitute of sufficient means to carry on the medical missionary work in an acceptable way. And just now, when our people in Southern Cali- farnia are strueeling to build up a strong work in that important missionary field, we should study ways and means of strengthening their hands. I would therefore urge our brethren and sisters to whom the Lord has entrusted the talent of means. to consider the advisability of loaning money to the Paradise Valley Sanitarinm. at a low rate of interest, or with- out inferest. so that this institution can be in a posi- #iom 1o do. without embarrassment. a thorough work, t¢ the honor anJ';_rlory of God. Errex G, WHITE. Ellen G. White F ] G. \[;‘_hsvt‘e Estatg Branch Office Andrews University “yi Ropipn. RA: Perrien Oprings, Mickigan 43404 v vm—revea