AYa UF THESE KINGS 3248 HE great question that troubles the hearts of men today—hearts that are torn with conflicting emotions, hearts that are filled with fears and oppressed by dark forebodings—is: ‘“ What about the future? Will there actually be peace in our time? Will this world be better after it has been purged of evil men who seek to dominate the souls and consciences of others? Is it possible that there will never again be any wars upon the earth, so that our children may grow up without this fear hanging over them continually? Of what can we be certain?’ Someone has said that we cannot be cer- tain of anything except death, as that comes to all men, rich and poor alike. But we are not ready to admit the truth of such a statement for there is something else that 1s positive and certain, and that is the word of the living God, which abides forever; for “we have a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.” 2 Peter 1:19. “Prophecy, . . . as a light,” is shining amidst the darkness of a world in distress. It contains the divine predictions of a God who sees the end from the beginning, and who has never made a false prediction. These revelations are today unfolded before the world, and God says, “Take heed’; but the world passes on. It 1s some 2,500 years since the light of prophecy unfolded before that powerful empire-builder, Nebuchadnezzar. Never in the history of the world, before or since, has Page FOUR Hy Wesley Amundsen there been such a kingdom as his. But in spite of greatness and beauty, and the ap- parent security of his kingdom, the king was troubled, and the haunting ques- tion arose, “ Will my kingdom stand? What will take place when I am gone?” His thoughts gave rise to a dream in the night season, but when he awakened from his sleep the dream was gone. The impres- sion which 1t had left, however, was so strong that he demanded that his wise men tell him what the dream was and explain to him its meaning. Of course this was hu- manly impossible. None of the wise men could meet the king's demands. So the decree went forth that they should all be killed. At this time word came to Daniel and his three young companions that they too would suffer death, for they were included with the group of the wise men of the realm. But Daniel requested the privilege of a respite, in order that he might seek God for divine revelation. His request being granted, these four lads set themselves to pray and plead with God for His favor. Then was the secret revealed to Daniel, and he was ready to stand before the king. Listen to his words: “There 1s a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. . And He that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass.” Daniel 2:28, 29, After the Lord had revealed the dream to Daniel, the prophet had said: “He her seven children, and their families. X Former Empress Zita of Austria-Hungary, As here shown, they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bullock, of Royalston, Massachusetts. 207 KE changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: . . . He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him.” Verses 21, 22. It is God alone who can foretell the future; it 1s He that tells us what shall be in “the latter days.” Kings and rulers are permitted to reign only so long as He suffers them to continue. He sees the condi- tion of things in this world of darkness, and He also sees the light of hope that shines amidst the gloom. We are permitted to see only as His prophetic word gives us light. Therefore men everywhere ought to study, pray for an understanding of, and accept the teachings of, the Holy Scriptures. If they will do this, they will be able to see the purpose of God in the things that perplex them, and find a solution to their problems. In the dream which Daniel presented to the king there 1s a record of that which should be in “the latter days.” The image of the dream was that of a man, made up of the various metals,—gold, silver, brass, iron, and clay. Baser and baser became each successive kingdom. Babylon, Medo- Persia, Greece, and Rome, four universal empires, all have gone down to ruin as the prophecy indicated they would. The kingdoms into which Rome was divided, symbolized by the iron mixed with potters’ clay, are present with us to this day. The conclusion of the dream pictured a stone, “cut out without hands,” and it crashed against the image with such tremendous force that the gold, the silver, the brass, the iron, and the clay were ground to powder, and the “wind carried them away.” Then the word says that the stone ‘filled the whole earth,” thus taking the place of the kingdoms which now possess it. In his interpretation, the prophet showed that the four metals represent the four uni- versal empires which we have mentioned. He says: “Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. . Thou art this head of gold.” Daniel 2:37, 38. History reveals that Babylon came upon the stage of action about 606 B. c. so it is easy by the study of history to follow on from that point to our time and to see the accuracy of the predic- tion and the application of the prophecy. Following Rome, there will never be an- other world kingdom until the fifth king- dom 1s established, which 1s represented by the “stone.” No power on earth can alter this prophecy, none can change it. Armies with tanks and airplanes may put fear into the hearts of men, but God will laugh at them as they endeavor to weld together that which He has said would never again become one under the rule of man. Says the prophet: The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE