16 THE HUNTSVILLE SCHOOL, His Spirit, that in turn they may work for their own people, Churches of believers are to be developed. Meet- “ing-houses are to be built. Facilities for caring for the sick are to be provided. Small books specially prepared to meet the needs of the people, are to be given a wide circulation. In all the large cities ot the South the light of present truth is to shine forth to the colored people. And in all parts of the field, the believers, by a wise use of the talent of speech and by practical Christian Help work, are to live out the truth before those who know it not. The Lord has instructed me that those who are now carrying on work among the colored people can not remain in the field in a bare-handed condition, and do the work that is required. It will be necessary for them to receive help. The Lord has been calling upon His people in the stronger conferences of the North, the East, and the West to sustain the Hunts- ville school by liberal gifts. We pray that He will put it into their hearts to respond nobly. FrLex G. WHITE. wt