Tuesday June 8 Why Doesn't God Show Himself to Me? | EVIDENCE Isa. 58:6-9 The statement has been made over and over again: “If only God would reveal Himself to me, then | would believe in Him." Why does God have to prove Himself to you? Doesn't that take away our ability to choose? Would you believe it was God if He did show Himself to you? God cannot fully reveal Himself to us until we believe in Him. Only once we have a close relationship with God are we able to see God in His full glory. Isaiah 58:6-9 tells us what having a relationship with God will do in our lives. Each verse gives us a different aspect to a part of our relationship with God. The following is a brief breakdown of each verse so that we can better understand how to apply it to our lives. “Is this not the fast that | have chosen” (verse 6, NKJV). Fasting is not one of the most popular things to do in our society today. Neither is it God's design that we live in a world filled with wickedness. Therefore God provided us with fasting to “loose the bonds of wickedness” (verse 6, NKJV). By being able to get rid of wickedness and heavy burdens in our lives, we are drawn closer to Him. By being drawn closer to God, we begin to see needs in the world around us. God will show you how you can help someone in need. It can be as simple as feed- ing the hungry, helping the poor, and giving clothes to the naked. These things and more will be desires that God puts in your heart when you build a closer relationship with Him. God cannot fully reveal Once we have drawn ourselves Himself to us until we closer to God, we will begin to see believe in Him. the world differently. “Then your light shall break forth” (verse 8, NKJV). People will be able to see a difference in your character and personality because God will be living inside you. Are you still wondering why God doesn’t reveal Himself to you? “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here | am’” (verse 9, NKJV). God will reveal Himself to you after you take the time to get to know Him and His will. Only by knowing Him will you be able to see Him when He does reveal Himself to you. REACT Is there something that God has been trying to show me about Himself that | have been too caught up in the world to notice? Lindsey Sands, Westmont, Illinois 105