4 live in this district?’ ‘‘No, sir, but I like smooth, nice roads and I can’t see why you fellows don’t remove these little mean and very annoying stones.’ “Well,” says he, “may be if you knew as much about this stony point as we do perhaps you would not wonder. You will find in a few days just as many stones rolling around on the surface as there are here today.” “Well, it will not be that way when I come back today, will it?’’ But he says, “I can’t vouch for it, for every loaded wagon that comes along strikes one of these little stones and sets it a rolling as this hill is just full of them. Now,’ says he, ‘“‘there is only one of two ways to do—either remove the hill or haul in enough good soil to cover it up so deep that these miserable little annoyances will not appear, and further,”’ he says, ‘‘twenty-five years ago this road was perfectly smooth but quite abrupt. But time and usage has worn off the smooth surface and we have got down to what this hill is made of.”” ‘‘Well, it looks like you are about right, and I understand it better. While you discourage me a little I have one thing to console me and that is that I have had some satisfaction in looking down the road with these stones removed, even if worse ones should appear. I will not attempt to move the hill. T assure you I will leave that to Him who made it; then I can get along with this hill better than to have a big hole left in the road, and the other alternative is too big a job for me.”’ So it might be in this case. Then there was another thing that encouraged me to speak my mind. That was, I am not the head, be- ginning or end of anything in the denomination, and never had been an author or editor for this people, and so I thought I was perfectly safe, believing that Eld. Jones would know that it would be of no credit to his cham- pionship as editor, author, and a great and noted evan- gelist to load his rhetorical gun and shoot me down. The very fact that the odds were so great would prove that an effort of this kind would be a confession of the weak- ness of his cause, for I have nothing but a sling and am securely fortified behind ‘‘Jones No. 1,’ so you see he dare not fire for he cannot without firing into him and he