A fter Tio Thousand BIBI Cele Wonra has bec 0 spornenas foilraltar theoughons nanny oo cites of the geo lils hrsior i Lia wen thi 2rnal thar ir Wore ond The hormones celties, IE stands crernal Chan denon ses Pht those wri coher bone oothoaer ar all ano the Conrad of Nicaea, Hoa hose who abe sacle 0 clam wordt take the panne vo gare hes oon lll leone thon 1h Pontiacs od Nocti, helio in the the Canine! ol KENT Ditties ad the AYE poeesh tnt tiv 1 a Tene her hood Beer ser ood Geen Lr Choc ean ld] abv Tho cs cei ste cove adn diderend oad enn t | a A EE I TAD BS NNER PE EAT BERR NO IU ADE for wobec bor hos Tindinr wiis ten Piorosedl on ar neh, thes od ceonhsbodd Tran every ed old thie |) HAE Fyne [iy AINAERIY EEE REE SII FN ard ES FEES TRE ty siti le tire pit beaon Pirothe shiscrneston ab ar badb sudles ap petadedt ta he WHE oi hie apron Ples as domed rn the Sow Torn al Fir vhs on vie. aniveastie roa feats SEER cores Lo red he Iyitoos [EEE ENN voto th on sich wre bad on ve Node non y I ] Posner NS or ! / : Noanderv ss histo a dhs (an Poolocvor aad Clevver Toadners © edd RARE Y EE Af Iie Coon fr Flore gd States ~ {ante Cire Ir Pastead, then, of the Corp il al Srciea nndkine the New espnment Fron N Ts ol thie babe were Croll ackriow feds ed re the Chivas . [EI . BY IE NEAXS! Ts Ia {1 , i : RENE wt Con . decribed fen ca = | UHC 0 Lik | Aso oh thie Laois oe that wo the very time . . Fsee denalisly 1 IRE x TIER NANA } : NE Ths Po JEHLY the foolish el . on | oo : a et of that counal the hooks of lie New i x, . . [] - ‘ N . i gag ee op i» : " prodirerd bh witole prestron hyas Leen wel i ' Cre New Bestient nas prodinened dn | a ! el PRU ment were known and cepted Vie Cite sb ol Foodie, ove bh wets hal reseed peecral eng throvchouwr the Christian world, and! Chee evan il ale cd eer de hase aredr! ler ation: 7 : Cite coneraids they Tine discarded phi nul caret consider tion the cotndl, so bo hom co an Chie chan ar the goesent tne al I he Now estiment 1s iol an cue autho to them, vather fuel to antirenity, ben both Aran ard hthodos anitediv ackuonledued oho hone now and geam sae of the honed collection of books ban thet dew vnc Hicene wall vam coos tom caliecnion of anthovized haols he aoroe old irdel hook and nie itr ies IE he (FTRTRISS ne MC ye entire Christian wor fd Pec ein end with sl dhe ardour ofc new wlise rhe collections Amd we mo dd nat (hn as thie wernt ines ol Coapiost hos Conver n, As a alter of act the Coon in the coun. ol Cli vita ob ih rosie . cil ob Toodicea, mare of ndomg the Noon, the cling is nde by some cow Lestiment appesded to iCas the the New Testament was broush Rome Coulid Not Destroy It sontee of ds own authority, mito existence ar the Council of | ren, too, 1 gs easy to demonstrate. Phe Coondl ol Toaodices asstonedd Nicaea, in vos 52% Te is east to by decrees ob the Boman Einpive, tha - po over londsbip a thes meters bone claim dus dvrce hone ro peeve de rhe New Testament did nor come cone cco nneed an anther cons onees The very aking of auch 0 Dre existence in 32% ar the Connetl | STG NN ap she PATE N