THE CHURCH OFFICERS’ GAZETTE 15 that they might band together for service. and Their Work,” page 17. MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER SERVICE BANDS The very purpose of organizing young people's societies in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination was Read the report of the committee appointed to study the development of the young people's work at the General Conference of 1901, in “Missionary Volunteers Prayer and Personal Workers’ Band Hinls for Meditation and Discussion: 1. Do not wait for a convenient opportunity to do per- sonal, soul-winning work. Make the opportunity by setting other matters aside, 2. Before you can show others the way to Christ, you must know the true way yourself. 8. The life of a prayerless person will not win souls. 4, To win souls we must love them, God measures our service hy our love. 5. A discouraged soul casts dark shadows upon the pathway of others, 6, “Hope and courage are cssential to perfect serviee for God.” P. K,, 164, 7. Remember that you are not to work in your own strength. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts and converts souls. 8, Don’t preach. Never argue. Talk ealmly, letting your own life be a demonstration of what God will do for others. 9. Be persevering, but do not talk too much. There is little danger of doing too much praying, but there is danger of doing too much talking. 10. As soon as possible, get those for whom you are working to pray. Suggestive Topics for Study and Discussion: 1. Habit: (a) Our future destiny is determined by the habits we form, T., IV, 452: 1, (b) Habits of sobriety, self-control, close application, sensible conversation, patience, and true cour- tesy are gained by diligent, close watching over self. T., IV, 452: 2, (e) The indulgence of one evil habit opens the way for Satan to lead us astray. P, P., 452:2. (d) Through Christ every evil habit may be conquered. M. H,, 175: 1, Personal question: Am I putting forth earnest persevering effort to cultivate habits of self-control, close application, pa- tience, ete.? What are some of the evil habits whieh, unless overcome, Will cause my destruction? 2, Criticism; (a) Satan is the author of eriticism. C, O. L,, 44: 8. (b) Satan will lead those who are not working for others to indulge in criticism. T., IX, 39:3, (¢) Criticism withers spirituality. T., I, 145: 1. (d) When tempted to cen- sure, you should ask, “Shall I stand without fault before the throne of God$?’ T., I, 705: 2. Personal question: We arc admonished through the Spirit of prophecy: “Instead of criticizing and condemning others, say, ‘I must work out my own salvation, . . . I must put away every evil from my life. I must overcome every fault. ... Then, instead of weakening those who are striving against evil, I can strengthen them by encouraging words’” M. H, 492: 8, Am I heeding this admonition? 3. Prayer: (a) We must have set times for meditation and prayer. M. MH, 509:2. (b) We should also cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour when alone, when walking, and when busy with our daily lebor, M. H., 511, top of page. (¢) When we ask for a blessing, we should believe that we receive it, and thank God for it. G. W., 261:3, (4d) Those who devote some time every day to meditation and prayer and Bible study, will be connected with Heaven, and will have a soul-saving influence, T., V, 112: 4, Personal question: If I do not follow such plain instruction in regard to prayer, can I hope to attain eternal life? 4, Digeuss the ebapter entitled, “Rejoicing in the Lord,” in “Steps to Christ,” pp. 119-182. Minnir B, DAUPHINEE. Christian Help and Gospel Meeting Band ONE thing young people need to acquire is the grace of con- tinuanee. It is much easier to start something than to keep it going, Determination, energy, and perseverance are neces- sary to suecess in anything. It weakens the character of an individual, a band, er a seciety to begin an enterprise and then give it up for insufficient cause. It is written of Jesus in His work for humanity, “Having loved His own, , , , He loved them unto the end.” Jolm 13:1. We sing of that love, “0 love that will not let me go,” but how weak and undepend- able we often are in our work of love for Him and His ehildren. Make your band meetings times for earmest prayer for the work you ave attempting to do for God, and for yourselves that He will give you grace to persevere and to improve; and that in this scrvice you may learn how to do better service in the future. Many a great missionary for God, whose reports you read, or whose biographies you have enjoyed, proved their mettle first in just such work as your band is doing. The light that does not shine near home, is not likely ever to chase away the darkness in a foreign land. Review your work and study how to improve,—work for J uniors, letters or visits to the bereaved, flowers and literature to the sick and shut-ins, Bible readings, cottage meetings, jail work, help for the blind, open-air meetings, ehores for widows or whatever neighborhood service you have undertaken. The reports and discussions will bring new ideas, and perhaps en- courage some timid members to begin. Have you tried branch Sabbath school or Sunday school work? The Sabbath school programs given this month ought to ereate an interest in this kind of work, One young woman all alone gathered the poor children of a certain section into a near-by park, on Sabbath afternoons, and told them Bible stories, This was followed by a distribution of Our Litile Friend and the holding of an open-air Sabbath school, Then when the chilly days came, a vacant store building was secured and the Sabbath school went merrily along during the winter with the help of others who were enlisted to help. The Lord wants young people who do things, Are you that kind? M, E. K. Literature and Correspondence Band THE programs given for both Senior and Junior young people this month on the foreigners in America are an opportunity for this band. Get in touch with the society leaders, and assist them in every way possible in determining what territory is available for distribution of foreign literature. If possible, before this program is given, procure copies of papers in the languages that you will be able to use, or have quantities on hand to begin systematic group work. Write to the Pacific Press International Factory Branch, Brookfield, Il, for infox- mation and samples. If a group is being formed for this kind of work among the older people of your church, be sure to work in co-operation with them. Cover all the territory avail able, but nothing will be gained by duplication. In the Chris tian Help and Gospel Meeting band notes it is suggested that branch Sabbath schools or Sunday schools be started as mis- sionary work. You may be able to work in conjunction with them, members of this band giving out the foreign literature to older people whe are unable to speak English, then with the other band members forming a Sabbath school among the children, Usually they understand the English, and they will be delighted with stories and songs. This is real missionary work which may bear fruit abundantly in years to come. The Harvest Ingathering program for Senior young people the last of this month indicates that there will soon be cam- paign possibilities for this group of young people, as well as the entire Missionary Volunteer Society. Those who have the literature work especially upon their hearts, should step out and be real leaders in such a campaign. Join with the society leaders in laying definite and praetical plans. Order supplies early, so that you may begin on time, and be “over the top” before the closing date for the campaign, Let us make this a soul-winning campaign. E. E. H. J fir Missions at Home O #rIEND, do you know that a work for the Lord Lies right at your very door? That your neighbor’s heart may be just as dark As one on a foreign shored Far the soule that live in a heathen land, Where Christ is a name unknown, Need workers sore, but surely no more Than the missions we have at home, The people right there in the town where you live Are willing and eager to read; But fiction is high, for it’s worthless to buy— Qur papers are just what they need. In their own language written yow’ll find them today, They are good for the old and the young. Let us give them with zeal, for the truth they reveal In these dear people's own mother tongue. And who can foretell what results there will be If these papers we send far and wide? Owr duty, indeed, is to seater the seed, And God will the harvest provide. “The advent message to all the world” is our aim; In our youthful hearts let it burn, So that forth we shall go, till our neighbors all know That our Saviour soon will return, — Adapted. Band work: Follow up jail work suggested in June GAZETTE.