dence for the prosecution was mutilated in or- der to prevent, if possible, the defendant from inferring the identity of the witnesses. Pre- sumed guilty until proven innocent, the pris- oner’s interests were safeguarded only by his judges, and these, however conscientious they might happen to be, ‘habitually served as par- ties to the prosecution.’ “Thus the odds were long against acquittal. The system was such that even if, under the pangs of ingeniously graded torture, the vic- tim did not confess crimes he had never com- mitted, he was liable to go to the stake as a negativo — one who persistently denied the charge of heresy preferred by witnesses to him anonymous. Hence might occur grim travesties of justice. If the megativo would but admit his guilt, his merciful executioners would see to it that he was garrotted before he was burned; but cases are recorded where evidently the accused abhorred from the bot- tom of his orthodox soul the heresy for which he had been brought to bar, and preferred slowly roasting alive to going before his Maker - with the lie upon his lips. In contrast with this style of procedure, our own cumbersome jury system, with the thousand loopholes where the guilty may escape, seems well-nigh ideal; and even the publicity of the yellowest of vellow journals would appear to be a boon.” THE $150,000 FUND HOW TO GIVE “Give as you would if an angel Awaited your gift at the door; Give as you would if to-morrow Found you where giving was o'er; Give as you would to the Master If you met his loving look; Give as you would of your substance If his hand the offering took.” DONATIONS Received at the Office of the Southern Union Conference to March 1, 190}. Tennessee River Conference, previously reported $254.22 Memphis church 23.35 Bertha Burrow 5.00 Willie E. Coleman 3.00 Mrs. M. E. Gaines 5.00 Mrs. E. G. Rutherford 1.00 $201.57 Cumberland Conference, previously reported 112.71 Gail Reynolds 2.00 114.71 North Carolina Conference, . previously reported 34.45 M. E. Worley 1.00 Jessie V. Bosworth, Treas. 60.15 Jessie V. Bosworth, Treas. 2.00 97.60 South Carolina Conference, previously reported 45.47 Mrs. R. T. Nash, Treas. 2.15 Mrs. R. T. Nash, Treas. 1.00 48.62 Georgia Conference, previously reported 65.50 Florida Conference, previously reported 44.83 W. H. Hall, Treas. 84.06 12889 THE WATCHMAN Alabama Conference, previously reported 74.24 Helen McKinnon, Treas. 12.35 Helen McKinnon, Treas. 50.12 130.71 Mississippi Conference, previously reported 107.64 Hatley church 8or 11563 Louisiana Conference, previously reported 127.72 Dora F. King, Treas. 11.76 Dora F. King, Treas. 2.00 Dora F. King, Treas. 1.00 142.48 Total from Southern Union Conference 1,141.73 Amount from outside the Southern Union Conference as follows :(— NewYork Conference, previously reported 5.00 W. New York Conference previously reported 50.00 E. Penn. Conference, Previously reported 2.00 Pennsylvania Conference, previously reported 3.00 Chesapeake Conference, previously reported 2.00 Mrs, IE. A. Gleason 2.00 1.00 Indiana Conference, previously reported 5.01 Wisconsin Conference, previously reported Michigan Conference, previously reported Mrs. E. A. B. Smith Miss Funice Osgood Miss Betsey Osgood .30 Iowa Conference, previously reported . North Dakota Conference, previously reported Oregon Conference, previously reported Upper Columbia Conference (Washington), previously reported 3.00 W. W. Roper 75.00 78.00 Ohio Conference, “One who loves the truth” Mrs. E. Y. Smith Nebraska Conference, previously reported Mrs. S. J. Orr Virginia Conference, Alice Campbell Oklahoma Conference, Mrs. E. Pirtle N. Illinois Conference, previously reported Conference unknown Total outside the Southern Union Conference . RECAPITULATION. Received from Southern Union Conference Received from outside Southern Union Conference Total amount received to March 1, 1907 $1.141.73 247.99 $1,389.72 W. A. WiLcox, Treasurer. THE WORK IN GRAYSVILLE AND HUNTSVILLE Eicur thousand five hundred dollars of the $150,000 fund is to go to the school and sani- tarium in Graysville, Tenn., and to the sanita- rium at Huntsville, Ala. ‘There is nothing made plainer by the Spirit of Prophecy than that the work in these places should be sup- 187 ported. Read the tion :(— following clear instruc- “ Nashville is within easy access of Grays- ville and Huntsville, where a beginning of great value to the work in the South has been made. God has answered the many prayers offered in behalf of these two places. By the work in Nashville, the work in Graysville and Huntsville 1s to be confirmed, strengthened, and settled. Graysville and Huntsville are near enough to Nashville to strengthen the work there, and to be strengthened by it. “The schools in Graysville and Huntsville were established in the order of God. They are to do a work for him. They are to become self-supporting by making the best use of their land, by raising those products best suited to the climate and soil of their locality. Various industries are to be established. The Lord will greatly bless these industries if the work- ers will walk in his counsel. If they will look to him, he will be their wisdom and their righteousness. His wisdom will be seen in the work of those who follow his directions.” J. S. WASHBURN. MAY 4 As s1arEp in a former number of the WATCHMAN, it is requested by the officers of the Southern Union Conference that between now and the above date, the brethren and sis- ters of the Southern Union Conference will donate at least $5,000 in addition to what has already been given to the $150,000 fund. The list of the above donations up to date received by the treasurer of the Southern Union Con- ference, is found on page 187 of this paper, and amounts to $1,141.73. We appeal to conference officers in the South, to our church officers, to all our church- members, to isolated Sabbath-keepers, and to all the WarcEMAN subscribers in the South, to take up this good work unitedly. Are we ourselves interested in the work in the South? The first $50,000 of the above fund is appro- priated to the institutions here in the South. Below is a complete list of the amounts ap- propriated by the Southern Union Conference Committee :— Nashville Sanitarium ................ $25,750 Huntsville Sanitarium ................ 5,750 Graysville Sanitarium ................ 2,250 Atlanta Sanitarium .................. 3,750 Graysville Academy ................. 4,000 The WATCHMAN vi iiiineennennnnns 2,500 Southern Publishing Association...... 6,000 Total for the South................ $50,000 The balance of $100,000 remaining of the $150,000 has been appropriated by the General Conference as follows: — Washington Sanitarium .............. $50,000 Pacific Press «o.oo 20,000 Review and Herald ................. 10,000 British School ..............ccoe... 10,000 Williamsbale Academy (Nova Scotia) 2,000 Skodsborg Sanitarium .............. 2,000 West Indies ........coiivevinnennn. 4,000 Chilean Printing House and School... 2,000 Grand Total