SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD Three @-oe + . — : 3 : South T Conf. | COLPORTEUR’S WEEKLY REPORT u . , South lexas Loni. Southwestern Union Conf. 4 Office, San Antonio, Texas . : Box 155 Book Hrs. Ord Val Hel Total Del : LUras. . . ¢ President - Elder E. IL. Neft Name n. Address °° re ve eps ota : # Sec.- Treas. C. C. Mattison ® — o ARKANSAS,March 9 a IN J. H. Ball, Bigelow OD 432 41 101.00 5.00 106.00 5.00 AUST J. J. Vance, Heber Springs DA 32 14 78.00 78.00 103.00 It has b ” . Ih L. H. Frisby, Searcy BR 32 10 42.00 1.75 43.75 1.76 . as een Some ae since | have Chester McCrary, Paragould DR 20 5 20.00 1.50 21.50 1.50 wri en to e oo , 80 hie Eve D. M. Twiggs, Paragould" DR 15 3 12.00 - 3.25 15.25 3.25 her 1017 ob my fabors Smee NOVEM 4 J. Sowell, Nashville GC 14 3 11.00 225 13.35 2.25. LO I. H. Newkirk, Rector DR 2 2 800 150 © 950 150 In November I held a series of . . cen Bibles 6.25 6.25 meetings at Manchaca, Texas, with a _ } good attendance and interest all the Agents 7 158 78 9278.25 15.95 293.50 118.25 way through the meeting. Three. : commenced the observance of the So Sabbath. SOUTH TEXAS, March 9 The latter part of November I came C W. Pennock, Port Noches GC 45 29 128.00 3.75 131.75 8.715 to Austin, where I have been doing A, A Prewitt, Mercedes GC 42 26 107.00 15.85 122.85 23.85 Bible work and helping the little band C. H. Chenault, Liberty DR 57 8 32.00 32.00 2.00 of faithful believers here. There are Agents 3 144 41 101.00. 5.00 106.00 5.00 several families who are becoming interested in the truth. We hope and" pray that some may take their stand for the truth, Austin being the capital of the state, with the state University located here, makes it a city of influence, and we believe a good, strong effort should be put forth here this summer. Pray for the work here. ~ J. B. HAMPTON. THE TAKING OF JERUSALEM During the past four months, The Watchmen Magazine has been throw- ing much light on the situation at . Jerusalem. In the January issue which was published in December, the first article appeared entitled, “Will the Turks Lose Jerusalem.” The sec- ond article appeared in the February jssue entitled, “will the Jews Return,” ard in the March number this was followed by an editorial entitled, “The Jewish Nation.” In the April Watch- man appears another article on “The Taking of Jerusalem.” Jerusalem is a very timely and interesting subject and there are many people in the world today who would give a thought- ful reading to the magazine if the ar “ticle in the April magazine was called to their attention. Such articles as this one and “Will Russia Disappear from the Map?’ which also appears in the April Watchman, are just what people are looking for and will cause them to appreciate the truths con- tained in our publications. NORTH TEXAS, March 9 Helps Bibles Total B.Deliv. No.Deliv. Value NAME Book Hours Orders Yalue J. A. Gyger BR 23 17 95.00 3.90 550 104.40 C. M. Norman BR 32 16 73.00 - 5.00 78.00 V. M. Bradley BR 12 2 10.00 5.75 15.75 W .P. Ragsdale BR 43 22 100.00 1.75 101.756 © 4.00 H. C. Ragsdale. BR 49% 13 54.00 1.00 55.00 F. W. Alexander BR 39 26 111.00 5.05 116.05 0. A. Graves BR 39 1% 86.00 13.60 3.80 103.40 455 D. D. Clark BR 29 2 8.00 2.75 10.75 32.00 Ernest Hanson op 1 3 9.00 10.75 R. D. Whitney DR 23 4 21.00 1.60 3.55 26.15 A. Gregory GC 30 12 50.00 2.75 52.75 W. R. Hixon PG 50 39 160.00 8.50 8.15 176.65 J. W. Mundell PG 33 12 52.00 6.00 58.00 ! Mrs. E.J.R. Johnson PG 2 8.00 5.00 13.00 Mrs. W.M.Granger BF 2 9 19.00 2.00 2.00 23.00 Z S. Arey © Misc 14 575 22.55 28.30 Mrs. N.J.Liebman Mise 26.50 26.50 Mrs.A.H.Kelley Mise 12.00 12.00 Agents 18 419 186 852.75 154.70 23.00 1010.45 4.55 36.00 NORTH TEXAS, March 14 0. Glass BR 39 24 101.00 101.00 D D. Clark BR 30 13 61.00 25 61.25 4.00 H CC. Ragsdale BR 50 19 79.00 2.25 3.45 84.70 13.00 VW. P. Ragsdale BR 42 20 91.00 3.85 3.90 98.75 V. M. Bradley BR 30 24 99.00 12.26 5.80 117.05 17.00 J A. Gyger BR 30 22 125.00 5.20 12.00 142.20 Mrs.N.J.Liebman BR 10 5 20.00 5.50 25.50 F. W. Alexander BR 41 30 133.00 2.35 135.35 0. A. Graves BR 22 21 94.00 3.20 3.80 101.00 A. Gregory BR 45 17 173.00 3.30 76.30 R. D. Whitney DR 4 7 33.00 475 3.90 41.65 . W R. Hixon PG 26 - 25.00 25.00 577.00 Mrs. Wm.Granger BFL 50.50 50.50 Agents 13 419 202 959.50 67.90 32.85 1060.25 611.00