PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the [IN1oN CONFERENCE OF SEVENTIH-DAY ADVENTISTS Paciric View, Cal. Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Mountain Year Editorial Committee J. J. Ireland H.W. Cottrell Claude Conard Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1906, at the Post-office at Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ZN. 1907 "he for the Sabbath-school Lesson Quarterly 1907 as The general headings of this ser second quarter of HOW remedy, lessons are Bible Election” and “COllfectual Send oan les of Service, The price Is five cents. your orders at once to your tract society, or the Pacific Press, Mountain View, Cal, While returning to Southern Calitornia from Sacramento, where he has heen ase sisting Flder Corliss in fighting the Sun- day Constitutional Amendment hill in the Folder AW. ML and Legislature, last Sabbath View, Healey Spent Sunday ne Mountain [He spoke twice to a full house mn the church on Sabbath. The held a office last Sunday, the 24th. AL of the mem hers eXeept Ilder HL, Shultz were present; California Conference Committee meeting at the eonference also several other leading brethren by invitation, Plans were considered re speeting conference work for the coming season, and other tmportant matters dis cussed, Special J. (). Sunday Flder Che Legista- attention is called to Corliss s article entitled, Law mn the California ture,” in this issue of our paper. It will be noticed that this article corrects hoth as to the bill voted upon, and the number our night mn THERE made a very good he ginning, however, I return there fo morrow. We do not have services on Saturday night, so that gives me time to do what ceneral work there as for me to look after hy wav of correspondence,” The following is taken from a letter from Mes, C0 NL Richardson, of Phoenix, Ariz, giving the partiealors of the death of lider (i the Til Bodwell bv drowning 1 River: Cl tder ville inn arrived at Solomon The Brother Sanchez could not come for hin. there, | Bodwell Fin river was high, so [Heo stayed belteve, two nichts, and then heard that two of our brethren from Sanchez were baling hav a Tew miles up the rivers so he walked there and found them, They did not want to vo back until night, so asked hime to walt. Afterward mm thinking 0 over, they decided it would be hetter for Fldey Bodwell to cross while it was helt; so their hing across, telling the hoy procured a horse for him, and sent bhov to pilot that the river was as hich as twas mm the morning, not to fry to cross. The how thoueht the river was lower, but he wis omistaken- it owas several oanehes higher, The boy went ahead, an Brother Dodwell followed, The bovis fell, looked back tor olde horse stumbled and and the hoy swim shore, le Jodwell, but could see nothing hat his hat Poating in the water, Phe horse they found dead several miles from Dr. Bond many of there, and Sister Dodwell with as the people as they could get, searched several davs for the body, har could not find 11.7 er tl —— St. Helena Sanitarium Training School class tor The dV Hurses neXt Prainine nission April 1 1ooT, offers avery thorough course in this Tine begins and of work, and extraordinary advaniages in the way of practical experience, We shall be pleased to correspond with afl terested persons who desive to devote ther ives to this branch of the Master's work. Flor circulars and full mtorma: UNION RECORDER 4 ‘ . . Helena Sanitariam, or (Nap Col, lon, address, St fr California, Foon, Sanitarian SY SS Annual Meeting Notice the Cal Horna Moedieal Missionary and Benevo The tenth annual meeting of lent Association, tor the purpose of clectineg four or more members of the Board of Directors, and transacting any that betore the meeting, will be held at San other business may properly come tari, Napa Co Cal, on Wednesday, Maveh 130 1907, at 12 o clock a, [.. NM. Bowen, President, DV DN Pavlin, Scerclary. Sanitarium Food Company The fifth anoual meeting of the Sane ari Food Company, for the purpose of electing divectors, and transaeting any that hoetore the meeting, will be held at ttarinm, Napa Co, Marvel 1H, other Business niay properly cone Nan Cal, on Hoy, ar 12 Thursday, 0 clock ar. [.. MN. Bowen, President, Fook Parlin, Seevolary em ———————— mm — A —ellf—— ——— er ————— FCR RENT. \ party furnished, suitable for a man and house of two rooms, wife: with three-fourths of an acre of land to work on shaves. Inquire of Mis, MLC Wilcox, Mountion View, Cal. —_——— a — Liberty The fomrth number ot Liberty, now ready completes the first vear of this new maenzine, AS to aoe, HOOs oa mere babe, hut in influence and power it his proven to he oogiant, Hs average ere months 1t has nearly H0.000 No doubt, 1t will a ocnrenlation of 100060 coptes hetfore the culation during the nine been published reaches Copies jrer ISS, have close of 11s second vear, The fourth number of Liberty, while nt reveals improvement adong religions lines mm foreign countries, presents conclu sive evidence that the pagan and papi philosophy of union ot church and state is rapidly orowing in favor in the United The for this therefore, = Proclum hberty to States, special message rine 1s, the captives.” Let the people under stand that the spirit of the gospel x op posed to hondage of any kind, and has noo part inoreligious coercion: that God (Concluded on page a)