NO and Elder Meyer were with ns Lor dinner, Frond toe chapel we went oul to pavtichmiie In wud see comes and contests, Evervooe had such Ri sd time thot we foreot all boul the weather until it was tine for dice. which we ate prenie style in the dining too. Tne Fast number on the duy’s progrudn was oo naren in the dining room directed hy Professor Newnan, At 90 63 we wonl to ony respective homes and had evening worsnip, This was truly oooclay of Chivkstian recreation 5 R.A — - (i BOOK AND BIBLE au HOUSE NOTES Wi still hve oo Few Isin Week sets of booms on hand in Eoslishn, and those churches thee have od dsovel ore rnd their supply should Goo saat ieee wine there are Sone avaliable. Veo have boon able too secure a limited umber ol the “Convers's Ciathoeebdsmy of Cuztholie Doctrine” by Revo Peter Gelermuanl, a Ro- niy Coihiolie riest. This is the cote ehiom refered (bo In Lhe Sore Book and is the one in which the plaip statement is Hd that Saturday Co che Sabbah da ane that the Catholie Che chanced thie doy from Saiurday vo Sanday, This ds an orthodox Catholic work, with the approval of several hico ebxureh conthorities stamped in it very minister and Jibic worker saoild have one of These eatechisms in order to be wile to show authority {ur the statement that the Roman ehnreh chanved the Sabbath day. Order from (he Novihh Dalota Book and Bible Iouse. Price 20 cents, Do ducks ever build their nests in trees” Do miushrats always make their homes in ponds? Why 1s the Pack rat ne culled the trader rat? Door Ah vet woodprekors vo south In winter Why are a frog's eyes on tap ol his head? Can you answer these questions. and many more lke them pertsinine to the wild ereaiures about? It nut, vou should cer a0 set of the “Old Homestead Tales which is a set ob Jb obooks pur out by our vublishing house id devoted on- rely toa study of the wild birds and animals of ature. Volume I ts The Bluebirds and Their Nelghbors", Val, 2 The and Their Nelobibees Val, dletall the Beaver Millis “Poard- His nd RTI BI UNION IRE WH hols Vol, 4, The Neiolhibors™, ong Crovitures In Winter. aroowritten in story form end are Most puerestine io eidldren and voi peoples They are well iiss trated with ¢ prohasion of pletures book luis 3 eoinred plates ize. The price Is 31.18 or $4.7 5 Tor the set of +d Onc hook and each full pave poreh volume, hooks, postpaid. IBN fromm she ald Bibi Sorth Kota Hons. [B UNTON EDUCATIONAL AND M. VV. DEPARTMENT the Tol Robert RHouazer, oo Minneapolis Bnolish wvapiloin chigrety Ng for scowveral vedrs, Hndsied fie elehthy erode thers dest spring 16200 He enrolled ad the West ich > o> > = Wontled. Work tor the summer iy cdrl, wendy years of age. Towa Form preferred. Fxperieneed ad ronine al caring tor children. Also worl on farm by hoy, sevens en yeres ab aoe Bapericnceed. Irs 0 He Oswald, Nevada, Iowa.