2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER ters fore at the first opportunity another effort will he made hy the Sanday advo cates tooearry out their determination, and itowill probably come ina differen form from what it presented this time. We ready to halt of netiee, To do Wis miist be on the alert and be strike effective blows in he reliotons liberty at a moment's Keep in that God this, we must training. constantly proving will help us to he true and oval to Is work. J. OL Corliss. | "Ask Not to Be Excused” seit ors 7 From writing a letter to U remonstrating against Wiadsworth From State HH. RR. T6085 Sunday Bill for the District of Columbia. It will he Nour known as the remembered that the bill has already passed the House of Representa: hands of the District of tives and 1s now in the Setiate connnittee for the Columbian. This nll committee may he acted upon by this almost any day and recom: mended favorably to the Senate. It will that the Fifty-ninth of Marveh, Bill will die in the hands of the also be remembered Congress closes the fourth White we are hoping that the [Yistriet could, of Columbia Senate Committee, 1 however, an the closing hours of Cone oress, he acted upon one passed very quickly, [t ~hould be understood that states men are pleased to Know the wishes of constituents. [1 has been demon: that