A (2) kh NAME: Sidinha, Cachoeira COUNTRY: Brazil BACKGROUND: As a young girl, Sidinha went to a neighbor's home for Friday evening worship. When her father found out that she had been to the home of a South American Division Protestant, he became angry and told her not to go again. But his threa did not stop her. The next time she went, her father beat her hands witi a stick. He burned every Bible in the house and continued to punish Sidinha, but she continued going to her friend's home. Read Mission thi quarter to find out how Sidinha followed Jesus in spite of her father’s opposition and learn what happenend to her family as a result of her stubbornness. THE THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING: Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will be used to build new chape! and synand adnratinnal facilities in the Northern Rrazil Union