ew 25 vk Lhd rh Ven LA EE a SEL CSR FERRE STI rd rl ot ai Bk i fe a PIE EE RIN Sr eat: ‘Turgeo, si; — Ere: newt. Pew da 3% viRREs, "Efimeo, ui, —&re. neut. fo swell, to vax proud. Tundo, tiithdi, tunsum yd ,., ., * ef {Uisum, &re, act.’...§- to knge k 0 pound, to swells to-sprout.. Tato, are. freq. “et Tiitor, ari. dep. To defend, to secre. . Tutamen, nis. n. et Ttamentum, i. n. safeguard, protection. ~ Contueor. to behold, to look upon, to survey. _ Coptuitus, us. m. 2 beholding, sight, presence. > Contuor. ({Tuor.) to behold, to spy or see. . Intueor. to look upon; ‘to consider. Intuitus, us. m. a beholding, a view.’ . Intuor. (f Tuor.) to look upon, to behold. _.Obtueor. to look at, to look in the face. - Obtiitus, us. m. (f Tuor.) a looking at, Fiimeo, . Let EE “oe to CT Tiimesco, &ie. incep. "To swell, to break or burst out. “u:, Timor, 6ris.m. a swelling, a tumor, a hump, pride, anger. Tiimidus, us m. swollen, proud, fierce. So .§ Contiimeo, et Contiimesco. to swell together. ~ Contiimax, acis. adj. swelling, haughty, Contiimécia, =. f. stubbornness, contumacy. - Contiimacifer. adv, stubbornly, frowurdly; proudly. Contiimelia, =. f. a bitter taunt, sharp raillery, scurrilous lan: guage, an affrent . ) Contiimélidsus, a, ym. reproachful, insolent, abusive. - Contiimeliase. adv. spitefully; disdainfully. =" ~~ Datiimeo, et Detiimesco. to assuage, to leave off swelling. Extiimeo, et Extiimesco. to swell out, to rise up. Intiimeo, et Intiimesco. to swell, to be puffed up, to sw Tando. Ce , ~Titdes, $tis. et is. f. a hammer, a beetle, a mallet. insolent, rebellious, J [stubborn § ell with [anger co Co paver or waggle, Bo, &vi, atum, are. neat. 3° Io w oo Ca to.want or be empty to be’ co, avi, dtum, are. neut. $ at leisure, to study. fo, si, sum, ére. neut. “0 go" api jo, Tvl, tum, ire. neut. to cry or squeal like a child. iT, dtus, ari. dep. "to wandér, foue, or ramble. : : to be strong or powerful, eo, ui, jtum, &re. neut. © § “to bein health “to be . . : Lo. 5 g worth.’ } on Lo llo,—gu. bacillo, from bacillum. Non. = Ce Hcillatio, Sais. f. a waggling or wavering, staggering: utio, onis. f. vacation, leisure. (¥¥cat. imp. Iam atleiswe. ~~ /kcuus, a, um. void, empty, vam. ~~ %cuum, i. n. a void place, empty ground. $cuitas, atis. f. emptiness, freedom from a thing. © ~ Vicivus, 8, um. empty, void, idle, at leisure. ~~ Vicivitas, Btis. f. want, emptiness, poverty. © - ‘gre. act. To empty, to lay waste. Viicugficio, Ect. aetum, €re. a : * ef ‘act. Fo make void or empty, to evacuate. cuo, et Evicuo, are, ac vou bervicuus, 2, um. et Siperviicaneus, a, um. superfluous, urs lecessary, needless, over and above. LL : i wb - ay (dum, i. n. aford or’ chailowr place in ariver, where one may over on-foot. 4 The ses, 3'bottom.. ~~ 0 sus, a, um. full of fords or shallow places, full of shelve 8. cumvado. to seizé of set upon on all sides. Tiid1to, are: freq. To thump, to beat with an hammer, to work. - TiidYella, =. f alittle beetle, a ladle. . .f © Tudiciilo, are, dct. To pound, to beat, to hammer out. - Contundo, tiidi, tiisum, &re, act. To thump or knock, tg batter or bruise, to strike down. . ~~ oF Contiisio, dnis. ¥. a bruising, a blunting, a contusion. - : Extundo. to beat, thump, or hammer out. ’ wy aplo. ll amt el bad Caiaarning CL _Obtundo. to beat or bu “t, to blunt, to dun. [less \ va TS, ro fre Cg Cael Cle _Obtiisus, a, um. part. beaten buffeted —adj. blunt, dull, sense igen » are. Ireq. 4 ¥ FEC WIRY : Ey ~ Obtasius adv. comp: more flatly, dully, or bluntly. te ’ i" eA baa i Pertundo. 30 knock hard, to best, or bore through. EB Vigws, > um. winferlng, TOTing eonatart HAE . Rétundo: to blunt or dull, to quell or repress. Epa rau: Co ealing a strolling. foo. ed, & Plled —adj. blunt, dull straggling, » strolling. > BARRE : re rh #gatio, onis. f. straying, a Tago um. part. blunted, dulled, quelled gvagor. to go astray, to wander. Turgidus; a, um ‘swollen; puffed up, sbutted: 1 re 0 wander, Sazave, to ruble to owelov. - Turgidiilus, p; um. dim “somewhat swollen, or blown uw. Brioaton ris. m. he that oirigs NE oD * Turgesco, et. Obturgesco, Ere. incep. To swell up, to swell lof RK : ator, OF1S. Mh JI= RLS Sn Diturgeo, o leave oF swelling. up, tos ger. EEE: Webvigor. to travel over, to rove abot to Werepread. Evado. to get away, to escaps n become, to come {0 ¥avado. to come in upon, te.invade, to attack, = [pass $vado. to go over or through, to enter in at, t0pasy through, ervado. to pass over, to. surpass, to surmount. [to pervade. escape, to climb, to b or, bris. m. value; price, worth: © ©