es fea 4 hrinteee Venthigomador jo the bonited =tates, Wei Paoa-Ming, ond Dir. Wet, former Chinese Sonhassador ta Vicho, will replace ir ; 2 A ee Mildred Ho Me sfee, director of the Women = Naval Hewerse Carpe, i= here secre tabang the oath af othice, =hown deft to right, res Ashriead Froest | Ringe Conunander-in-C hed of the Uo Fleet: med tary ul the Nave Frank koowv: Lientenant Connnonnder Mo Sfee. CRAY ET Director: and Hear Adroresd Hoandall Hareau of Naval Personnel, bre Secretary of the Nava, thie Jacobs, Chiet of the The ceremony dock place to the otiice of View, Pheodors Doasias Bobinson, widow of af the Sagvn, and who ~esenteern years jis thie ole) gieeratt cuareier. “hosting, in about to chirtwten he thie sled lesinoton” looks orn Trait obiews of £0 loresn crmter, winter-in-tw of Rio Coonsrer of Foetand, vases addoivinehy od soars! HOW Wille, of Greanite Cats. FH prior al Norway House, in Lonedeor 3 ver of Wang €eetep bre Thue ariel Traiohiees Freabae of erst. soning reprerted killed bnoae air chitbdren bi a photoes Fhe cthier twa children bre