February Caribbean Union Mission President _ FE. S. THOMPSON Secretary-Treasurer & Awmditor .. J. O. EMMERSON Postal Address: P. O. Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B. W. L a de dh ih de dh bn da de da ide dn dnd ae “The Great Controversy’ Torn to Bits J. C. CULPEPPER, Sec., Pub. Dept. Inter-American Division Sister Henry, one of our colporteurs in Trinidad, sold a copy of “Great Con- troversy’ to a lady whose husband was a wicked and very prejudiced man. He tote his wife's new twelve- dollar copy of “Great Controversy’ into bits. Then he marched right over to our S.D.A. church and, upon seeing his wife seated near the front, he went up behind her, shook her forcefully and tried to drag her out of the church. At this moment the pastor stepped down from the rostrum and, greeting the man warmly, offered to visit him in his home. The wicked man, being very surprised and hardly realiz- ing what he was saying, replied: “Yes, pastor. . . Come this afternoon.” As the wife started home, walking just a little ahead of her husband, she sang: “What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought, since Jesus came into my heart. . .” Immediately upon her arrival home, this good lady picked up the torn pages of her precious “Great Controversy” and placed them carefully in a basket. She then prepar- ed a nice lunch for her husband and herself; and later on in the afternoon they enjoyed a visit by the pastor. On Sunday the lady tcok the torn bits of pages to the conference office, and asked if they had another copy of “Great Controversy.” On learning that they had many copies on hand, she said: “Save me a copy, will you please? It is the best book ever written;. . . it changed my life. I will save money with which to buy a second copy so that it can also change the life of my husband. . . God is already working on his heart.” When the brethren in the confer- ence office realized her great anxiety and desire to obtain another copy of “Great Controversy” they gave her a new copy of this book in exchange for the torn bits of paper. The first copy of “Great Controver- sy” won the wife, and the second copy is now winning the husband to Christ. He is already attending our services and sings: “What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought through reading Great Controversy!” Central American Union Mission President ooo. CALVIN GORDON Secretary-Treas. & Auditor _.___ K. WW. WHITNEY Postal Address: Apartado 1320 San José, Costa Rica, Central America New Leadership in Central America ARTHUR H. ROTH Central America’s annual commit- tee held in San José, Costa Rica, November 14-19, 1952, was conducted under the leadership of its newly ap- pointed officers, Elder Calvin Gordon, president, and K. W. Whitney, secre- tary-treasurer. Recent months have brought changes in personnel to the work in Central America. Elder and Mrs. A. V. Larson, who have served Central Amer- ica and the Inter-American Division for more than twenty-seven years, have found it necessary to return to the United States on account of the health of aging parents. Elder Lar- son in recent years has been the pres- ident of the Central American Union. Brother A. L. Tucker, former secretary- treasurer of the Central American Union, was called to the secretary- treasurer's work in the Antillian Union. To fill these two vacancies INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER 5 in Central American Union leader- ship the Inter-American Division recently appointed Brethren Gordon and Whitney. These brethren were on hand to give strong leadership to the committee that met to lay plans for soul-winning advance in Central America for 1953. At the meeting it was wonderful to hear how God has blessed and pros- pered His work in Central America in the past few years. In addition to a rich harvest of souls, the Union has re-established the training center for Central America’s youth by moving it from Tres Rios to Alajuela. A new and enlarged plant has been erected in Alajuela on well-located and richly fertile property. The Indian work among the Maya-Quichés of Guatema- la has taken on a new impetus and has been much strengthened. The begin- nings of medical work have been made at Puerto Cabezas. Evangelism is being stressed all the way northward from Panama to Guatemala. Those who have known Central American Advent- ism over the years state that prospects for the Advent message have never been more encouraging. In attendance at the Central Amer- ican meetings in addition to the Union personnel and the leadership from Central America’s seven fields were: Elder C. L. Torrey, treasurer of the General Conference, Elder R. R. Bietz, president of the Southern California Conference, and Elders Glenn Calkins and Arthur H. Roth from the Inter- American Division. Executive Committee of the Central American Union