THER ALES LIA} H ITE) | L APAGARSE las luces de 1963, deseamos decir a nuestros amados lectores gue el Sefior ha sido bondadoso con nosotros en este afo. Es verdad que enfrentamos calamidades, inflacion, desastres y hasta la muerte de nuestro querido com- pafiero Mario Rasi. Pero el &nimo, el celo y el valor de todos los que llevaron fielmente la antorcha del mensaje a fravés de nuestra extensa division no fue menor, pues estuvo a la altura de los dias solemnes que pasamos en 1963. iCuanto valor, cuanta alegria en servir y cuanto fue hecho con los pocos recursos de que dispusimos! Co- mo el aceite de la viuda, o los 300 valientes de Gededn y los perseverantes levitas de Josué que rodearon a Jericd, vimos crecer la obra bajo las bendiciones del Sefior, los obstaculos fueron vencidos y verdaderos baluartes de incredulidad cayeron bajo la proclama- cién del mensaje gue nuestros evangelistas hicieron resonar en lugares dificiles como en Arequipa, Cocha- bamba, Montevideo, Temuco, Rio de Janeiro y tam- bién en otras Jericés modernas. 81, el Senior estuvo con nosotros en todos los secto- res de la obra. El gito 1963 se caracterizé como el afio de los gran- des proyectos y realizaciones, tanto en el campo evangelistico como institucional. Se hicieron planes firmes para nuevos colegios y nuevos sanatorios; nue- vas lanchas comenzaron su obra; se construyeron gran- des, nuevas y hermosas iglesias, ademas de decenas de locales menores; se levanté el primer centro evange- listico en América del Sur; se inicié el trabajo por televisién: centenares de nuevas estaciones estan irra- diando el mensaje; el primer avidén misionero fue au- torizado oficialmente por la Asociacion General para servir en el Alto Amazonas . . . “:Y qué més diré? porque el tiempo me faltarj contando de . ..” Si, de los hechos de esta fiel e in- mensa fuerza de 131.533 laicos y sus conquistas; del pujante cuerpo de 2.942 obreros, siempre valienies v dedicados; de esta numerosa juventud que llena nues- tras iglesias de alegria y de lindas perspectivas para el futuro; de eémo nuestras fabricas de alimentos es- tan quebrando prejuicios y lag dos casas editoras con sus colportores abren caminos y puertas para el men- saje; vy iqué diriamos de nuestros sanatorios, clinicas, colegios superiores, secundarios y escuelas primarias? ide nuestras 14 lanchas, de las hermanas Dorcas y del evangelismo infantil? . . . Si, “por fe ganaron reinos, obraron justicia, alcan- zaron promesas, operaron milagros, convalecieron de enfermedades, fueron hechos fuertes en batalas . . unos fueron estirados, no aceptando el rescate . . . otros experimentaron vituperios y azotes; y a mas de esto prisiones y carceles . . .”. Si, todo esto soportaron y mucho mas, hasta Ig muerte, para presentar ante Jesus a mas de 15.000 almas salvadas y bautizadas en este apagar de las luces de este agitado pero ben- decido ano de 1963. Qué nos reservard el Senor para 19647 M. S. N. ditorial {] en S THE lights go out for 1963, we want to tell our readers that the Lord has been most kind to us this year. It is surely true that we have faced calamities, inflation, disaster, and even the death of our beloved companion, Mario Rasi; but the courage, zeal, and fearlessness of those who faithfully bore the torch of the Message throughout our extensive Division, was more than egual to the solemn days through which we passed in 1963. What courage, what joy in service, what accomplishments with the limited resources in hand! Like the widow’s oil, Gideon’s 300 valiant men, and the persevering Levites under the leadership of Joshua as they surrounded Jericho, we saw how the work grew under the blessing of God. Obstacles were overcome and bulwarks of unbelief fell at the preach- ing of our evangelists in different places such as Are- duipa, Cochabamba, Montevideo, Temuco, Rio de Ja- neiro, and other modern Jerichos. Yes, the Lord has been with us in all phases of His work. The year 1963 has been characterized by great undertakings and realizations in the institutional as well as the evangelistic field. Definite plans were 12id for new colleges and hospitals, new launches were inaugurated, large, new, attractive churches were constructed in addition to the many smaller ones. The first evangelistic center in South America was com- pleted, the television work was begun, hundreds of new radio stations began broadcasting the Message, the first missionary plane for our territory was offi- cially authorized by the General Copference for ser- vice in the upper Amazon region . . . “And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of . . .” Yes, the accomplishments of the large, faithful force of 131,533 lay members and their conquests, the aggressive body of 2,942 workers —ever courageous and dedicated, the numerous youth who fill our churches with joy and bright prospects for the future; how our food factories are breaking down prejudice, and our two publishing houses and their colporteurs are opening doors for the Message; and what could we say about our hospitals, clinics, colleges, academies and primary schools? of our 14 launches, the members of our Dorcas Societies, and the triumphs of child evangelism? . , Yes, all these “through faith subdued kingdom’s” many times, “wrought righteousness, obtained pro- mises,” worked miracles, “out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, . . . and others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment . .” They endured al] this and much more, even death, to pre- sent to Jesus 15,000 more souls saved and baptized into His church as the lights go out for the turbulent vet blessed year, 1963. What does the Lord have in store for 1964? M. S. N. mentioned above, we witnessed girls attended a class in diet and nutrition directed by the dietitians of the Rio de Janeirp Hospital. Spe- cial music was presented for 15 mi- nutes before each lecture and this has been a real inspiration. This was in the form of solos, quartets, choral numbers, and instrumental music. Members of a prayer circle 4 interceded 24 hours a day for the success of the meetings, while oth- ers faithfully distributed handbills. We also had the support of a loyal group of workers who followed up the evangelistic meetings with house-to-house visiting. Due to the blessing of the Lord and the efforts put forward, as something amazing. In a month and g half of meetings, we gained an attendance of 10,000 to the lectures which were given twice a week, without counting the children and those who participated in other activities which were carried on simultaneously.