PACIFIC UNION RECORDER S what the paper will contain during the coming vear, We would eall special attention to the Topical Symposium. Beginning about the first of May, there will be twenty: SIX special numbers, covering all points Truth. ot Present These subjects will be supplemented by Bible readings, and taken up in such a thorough, systematie, progressive way that they can not tail to mterest and convince the honest in heart. We have couraging letters from conference presi alvendy recerved very ens dents and tract society secretaries, prom- ising hearty cooperation in this good work, and before the close of 1907 we hope the Sigus of the Times will have a weekly cirenlation of 100.000 copies, ‘The subscription list at the present time is fess than 20.000, Branch Cifhices Our branch office at INansas City, un- der the management of Brother James Cochran, has made the best record inoats history, showing a net gain of $3,585.01, Our Portland Braneh, under the man- agement of Brother W. V. also done well, all things considered, the Sample, has siles amounting to K14036.71 (an ine crease of about forty per cent over the previous vear), and the net gain to $73.80. Taken all together, our subscription book sales have nearly doubled during the past vear. Organization The work of securing the transfer of Publishing stock from the Pacific Press u Company to the new membership or vanization has been pushed vigorously, and 2,711 shares are now under the con- trol of the new association, leaving only Nearly all of this outstanding stock represents shares 1.786 shares outstanding. which belonged to persons who are now dead, or whose addresses are unknown To us. It may be thought best at this meet ing to authorize the incoming hoard of Directors to take steps to close up the business of the old corporation and per. feet the new organization. We would not elose this report without expressing our appreciation of the hearty Fatthtul cooperation of our employees under the most adverse ermreamstancees, Huddled without conveniences, many tires suffer together tn crowded rooms, me trom cold. vet ahwavs cheerful, they have tried to make the host of the situn- tron, and amidst all these trials qond difi- culties we have not heard one word of complamt, but cach one has tried to do his duty faithfully, Yet we believe we volee the sentiment of all when we sav gel it will be ao day of rejoicing when we Jeeated inoour new factory, In behalf of the we desire to express to the stockholders Board otf Directors and our people evervwhere our apnrec ation of their words of encouragement and hearty cooperation me the work of Moun View, and especially to those who reestablishing oor plant here ai tain have donated so Hbevallv to the rebuild imme of the tactory, To the 4 my appreciation, personally of the cor directors, I desire to express dial, harmonions relations that have ex: sted between us, and tor their help and hearty cooperation duving the trying ordeal through which we have passed, And praise and thanksgiving to our kind anda above all do we wish to return loving heavenly Father, who, through all these trying circumstances has never left nor forsaken us, and who, through His kind providence, is already turning this calamity into a great blessing, [t is our praver that God may guide this iva] the plans that are laid ad meeting, and that the coming vear may he one of great Prosperity. Respectfully submitted. IL Jones, (ieneral Manager, Oat 8 [—— OP CALIFORNIA Statistical Report of California Church Schools September to December, 1906 No. Schools ooo ooo 2 Intermediate oo 00000 2 Primary ooo ooo HT Fondereoarten ooo. Family 00000000 5 No, Teachers ooo oo ooo No. Pupils Enrolled coool Average No. Belonging ooo 00000 10 Average Ntendance Coo 000000 47 Per Cent. of AMtendanee ooo 0000. 92 Average No.ooin Bach Sehool 2000 2a Average Deportient ooo Good No. Cases of Tardiness ©0000. 297 Furvolment ot Largest School ©0000 73 Fonrolment of Smiadlest Sehool 000 6) Grades Offered ooo 000 000. I-10 Average Noo Grades Taught 00000. v No. Pupils an dghth Grade 00000 ah Average Daly Classes 00000000000 2] Average Daily Bible Studies ©0000 66 Churches withont Schools 00000000 An Children not Attending Chuoreh School (approximately) oo 00000 Noo Noo Pupils Whose Parents Are No Ndventists Coo ooo 27 Schools tn Country 000000000 D late of Saintes LL. W200 Average Salary ner per Moth $35.00 AMveraee Taition Maintenance of Sehools per Annum CLR ENGED GO MISSIONARY WORK Dantized C0000 00 DY Missionary Meetings Held 0000 Gis No. Visits EER 117 Noo Letters Wnitteo C0000 20 Parent's Meenines ooo 00000 AN icchigtous Laberty Leadiets Dis tributed ooo [2.760 Socners to Petition C0000 SAN books Lhoaned 0000000 Oo Tioets Given Away Loo RREETE Poor Helped 0000000000000 30 Schoel Praver-meetings ©0000. 6 iotle Friends Given Away LL G42 Vourh ss Tostructors Given Away. 17 CONVOrsTONS Lo oY Bible Readings 00000000000. PN Donations oo 0 S115. 40 I. Co Coleovd, Fduealional Sunt, oo San Jose The cotlection taken tor the San Jose chiiireh at the close of the Tate conference vote of the c¢hiarveh. turned £150,000 bas heen, hy ever too the fund. The sug cestion to take this collection grew oun of a0 nsunderstanding, and was not de sive by the ehureh. The members feel that they received more in the privilege ig of atiending the meetings than they cove. The Teast they could doowas to oive the use of the house, and this they cheerfully did, bo T Fero, A Help Wanted Wanted at coee for the sannner rush at the Vegetarian Cate, Les Angeles, Cal, eleven good, voung or middle-need women tor dintno-room work: two cooks: Aaa Ore pantry hoy, Og: pantry WOT, home; steady work, Seott, Good wages; good Write at O50 SO TH StL Los Angeles, (al. once to 4H Manager, EE —- ss a EE Suhseribe for the Recorpee,