Visit to Peradise Valley ~ 2 - lat everything connected with the ssniterium and its surroundings be kept orderly and neat, that the work may stend hizh in the estsem of the podple, end nmay exert constantly an uplifting influence. The Paredise Velley Sanitariun may exert a decided influence for good in National City, in San Diego, and in Coronsdo., The truth must dbe proclaimed in these plzces; for there aere some who have not yot heard the last messsge of warning. An odusational work should be carried on in connection with all our saniteriuzs. Thero is a close relation dbetween the work of our schools and our sanitariums, and wherever it is practicable, thore cre decided sdvantages in heving a school in close connection with a sanitariuws. There would be in such an arrsngement decidod adventeges to both lines of work, «t us not disccursge one another. Let us take hold unitedly to make every line of ths lord's work s success, If some one comes to you and talks discoursgingly ebout the work in one or snother of our institutions, telling you that they are extravegant beyond measure, say to them, "I am sorry if that is so, but let us help them out, if they are in difficulty.” If you will speak thus, you may Mm mucih 0f the evil that might result were you to withdraw your sympathy, and shofil.d you refuse $o help those who, possidly, may have besen misrepresented. Let us never disecursge even those who have done wrong, by treating them as if they had committed againat us en unpardonedble sin. Let us rather engoursge then in overy way possible, and if we see that they are lifting herd in & worthy enterprise, let us 1ift with them, I feel of good coursge regarding the future of the Paradise Valley Jenitarium, If all who ars connected with the institution will place themselves upon the platform of eternal truth, and will work unitedly and sympathetically, they may exert an influence that will incresse in its uplifting power, Talks to Patients end Helpers During the week which we spent at the Paradise Valley 3eanitarium, I spoke twice in the parlor to the patients =nd helpers. 1 recounted bdefore them