TABLE OF CONTENTS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. 39 Medical Use of Alcohol Causes Drunkenness, Aleohol Predisposes the System to Disease, .....ces.... Hereditary Effects of Drunkenness, ............ Cereenes 40 The Cure of Intemperance, Amount of Liquor Annually Manufactured, ............. 41 Prohibition Insufficient, Liquor Costs more than Bread, ...o.ovvvieenrenvionannn 41 Moderate Drinking a Trick of the Devil, THE DRUNKARD’S ARGUMENTS ANSWERED, ... 43 The Pledge not a Cure, Aleohol Ts Foad, Use of Substitutes a Fatal Error, ............... cereeees Alcoholic Beverages Preserve the Body, ‘The Only True Cure, Alcohol Strengthens the Muscles, Vegetarianism a Cure for the Appetite for Alcohol, Alcohol Warms the Body, ............ Ceeeaseeraninaaes 48 How Shall the Drunkard Reform? ..........ccooveenenn. Alcohol Protects against Excessive Heat, ALCOHOLIC MEDICATION, Alcohol Stimulates, , Medical Properties of Alcohol, Alcoholic Drinks Protect the System against Disease, .... What Are Medicinal Properties? ..........coeeiiennnsn Aleohol Aids Digestion, The Physiological Effects of Alcohol, Alcohol Is Made from Grain, The Vital Instincts Treat Alcohol as a Poison, Whisky Does not Hurt me, .ecovvererrneeneiiinceceaens 55 All Medicines Are Poisons, Pure Liquor Is not Bad, Does a Change of Name Change Properties? ............ Moderate Drinking not Harmful, Does Alcohol Supply Force? ...ovviiviviiiininniinennns Doctors Recommend Wine and Brandy, Is Alcohol Useful asa Stimulant? .......ovvriinervennns Scientific Men Recommend the Use of Alcohol, Alcohol Prevents Waste, ............... Ciriiaceenieene The Bible Sanctions the Use of Wine and Good Men Use It 57 Will Alcohol Prevent Consumption? ................... All Nations Use Stimulants, ’ Medicinal Use of Alcohol Leads to Drunkenness, The Use and Sale of Alcoholic Liquors Is a Source of The Medical Use of Alcohol an Ally of Intemperance, ... Great Revenue to the Government, Alcohol in Delirium Tremens, The Moderate Use of Wine Is Necessary to Maintain Nerv- Alcohol for Mothers, ..., ous Activity in Old Age, What Does Experience Prove? .....ovvvvveerereenennns : Alcohol Drives away Dull Care, Summary of Arguments against Alcoholic Medication, ... Alcohol Increases Mental Power, WINE AND THE BIBLE, Alcohol Is a Good Medicine, Perversion of Scripture, 1 Cannot Reform, . The Bible in Harmony with Science, ........ veeerersens CAUSES AND CURE OF INTEMPERANCE, Two Kinds of Wine Recognized in the Bible,............ Causes of Drunkenness, Scriptural Distinctions of Wines, ............ sereasenas The Drunkard’s Legacy, Examination of Texts Alcohol in the Kitchen, Texts which Are Said to Favor the Use of Wine, ...... Numbers 28 : Ty ees seionneersesanscreccssssosasarssss Judges 9:13, ceeverinnsssecrennncsisnonsionnnsiconnes Psalms 104: 14, 15, covsvrcevrcenoesonsssssccnssnnssses Sundry Causes of lutemperance, ~ Moderate Drinking, The Kitchen a Nursery of Drunkenness, Tea and Coffee Encourage Drunkenness, The Twin Sister of Drunkenuess, ...e.uu...