- The... = Eduratimval Wes . An Exponent of the Theorv and Practice of Christian Education Vol. 5 COLLEGE VIEW, NEB., AUGUST 15, 1907 No. IG wp + THE MASTER'S TOUCH [a the ill air the music lies unheard; fu the rough marble beauty lies unseen: To make the music and beauty needs The mafter’s touch, the sculptors chisel keen. Great Matter, touch us with Thy skillful hand: Let not the music that is in us die; _ Geeat Sculptor, hew and polish us; not let ~ Hidden and loft, Thy form within us lie! Spare not the stroke! do with us as Thou wil! Let there be naught unfinished, broken, marred; Complete Thy purpose, that we may become Thy porta image, Thou our God and Lord! . : — Horatius Bonar. > i’ Ee &*