Bein then § in lend fion, an I give. ‘them no offence in the fe- diy, in worfhiping God by themfelves. We st (if they were governors in our fead). they ‘would tell us, ‘that their confclences would ‘wot Taffer thet to give us fo much liber . ‘that they 'muft bear witnefs to the truth, of fo beat ie "down i i ioe, asthe'old good kings didi in fcrip tiire's they judgin fo of our Lord’s day wor- hipin RS may Re that your counfel may be yaore t3 y takitig with them, to make them forbear, an ours : 8 hicks all at prefent, with refpelly, From your > friend and fervant in Chiff... WiiLiaMm Lakes.” Tar church repeatedly fent and labored with them but to little effect. ‘My. Giblon went and Fved and preached a while among them at New. London ; but Mr. Hubbard wrote to their aged The moved from Ne