PAGE SIX OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Box 1077 Oklahoma City, Okla. President—Elder W. M. Clark Sec'v-Treas.—Lowell Estes Oklahoma Book and Bible House: Sec‘y-Treas.—B. E. Bridwell $e soho nslhs i Ee Ta a 5 4 b-oL LD +4 STATEMENT OF THE SIXTY- CENTS-A-WEEK FUND For one month ending January 29, 1927 Amount Am’t Per Quota Received Short cent 6168.00 1356.46 4811.54 .132 255.00 3032 224.68 Okla Okla. C. OKLAHOMA NEWS NOTES. (These notes were late reaching the office. They should have appeared last week.) : A Home Missionary Convention was held at the Ardmore church February 18 to 20. Mrs. Minnie Sype was pres- ent and gave us very valuable assistance. She delivered the opening address Fri- day night, Elder G. F. Eichman our Union Conference Home Missionary Secretary gave a stirring sermon Sab- bath morning on “The Relation of the Church to the Finishing Work.’” The various lines of home missionary work were taken up and discussed Sab- bath and Sunday. The Ardmore church gave us a hearty welcome and showed their keen interest in this im- portant branch of the work by a splen- did attendance at all the services. All felt that the meetings were profitable. We hope we may have such conven- tions in various parts of the conference more often. Sister A. L. Sanders reports a good interest at Binger where Elder Dasent has been holding a series of meetings. _ They have a Sabhath School of thirteen members and eight persons in the bap- tismal class, She reports the work progressing and the prospects bright. Miss Lehman and Miss Uhrig, our office stenographers, spent a pleasant week-end at Enid. Brother and Sister C. C. Uhrig are leaving Oklahoma. They plan to locate in western Texas near Amarillo. A report comes back to the office of an interesting program held at the Enid church February 26 in the interest of the Institutional Relief. Orders for books and donations to this work amounted to more than $50. We are pleased for the splendid interest in this important campaign. 059 SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD OKLAHOMA NEWS NOTES Sister Minnie Sype made a four-day stop in Oklahoma City on her return from. North Texas and southern Okla- homa points. She is also making a stop at Tulsa as she goes on her way toward Nashville. She reports plea- sant and profitable meetings with the Addington and Duncan churches over Sabbath and Sunday. She also spent some time with the union colored de- partment delegates in the convention at Oklahoma City. Elder Dart has returned to the office: after a four-weeks stay in the south- western part of the conference, and is trying to dig his desk out from under accumulated mail. He found a very thrifty and interesting ‘Sabbath School of about forty mempbers near Reed. Elder Gant was greatly disappointed in not being physically able to carry out his spring Week of Prayer pro- gram. He was compelled tg return fromx El Reno Sabbath evening and was not well enough to leave home the remainder of the week. Brother Hooper is starting some more new canvassers this week and is looking forward to starting a goodly number when the schools close in May. Elder Clark and Brother Estes went to East Cooper for the church officers’ meeting Sabbath and Sunday, return- ing for the colored department insti- tute, college board and union coms: mittee meeting which consumed the greater part of the weck. Elder V. W, Robb ang wife visited in Elder Clark's home on their way to Weatherford where Elder Robb will serve in Dr. Gaede’s Sanitarium as chaplain and Bible teacher. Elder . Robb labored with Elder Clark in both Kansas and Iowa. ‘Elder Beddoe and Brother Bridwell were in attendance at the Bast Cooper church officers’ meeting full time, and are packed ready to attend the Shat- tuck meeting. The Book and Bible House display of books resulted in $80 worth of sales at the East Cooper meeting. Elder Boettcher is spending two weeks with the German churches in the west part of the state. He render- ed good help in the church officers’ meetings also. A note from Brother Hooper reads thus, “The last three weeks I have spent with six of our workers. We, had some precious experiences and the Lord added his blessing. I hope to make my rounds among most of the workers before the Keene institute. I 1 am sorry to report that Brethren Randall and Cox were compelled to leave their field on account of sick ness. Let us pray for their recovery.” Among recent callers at the office were Elder Benton, president of the North Texas Conference; Elder W. H. Green,secretary of Negro Department of the General Conference ; Brother R. E. Louden and wife of Ardmore; Brother and Sister Aitken of Binger. +3 v-o-as 3 . { TEXICO CONFERENCE } 419 Rencher St. Clovis, New Mexico ¢ President—Elder E. T. Wilson p Sec’'y-Treas.—0O. D. Slater Texico Book and Bible House: Sec'y-Treas.—0O. D. Slater. : i % 4 4 $2 a as . STATEMENT OF THE SIXTY- CENTS-A-WEEK FUND For one month ending January 29, 1927 Amount Am’t Per Quota Received Short cent Texico .. 1467.00 764.21 702.79 .313 Texico C.170.00 44.16 125.84 .130 re AT SUCH A TIME AS THIS. “For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there en- largement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place, but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this ?”’ Every informed Seventh-day Adven- tist knows that the experience of God’s people in the days of Esther and Mor- deeai was typical of what may be ex- pected in the last days; and the ques- tion raised in the text quoted above ought to ring in our ears in a very personal way, leading us to inquire, ‘““What kind of a time is this in which we are living?’ By way of preparation for this time, our Saviour left a definite warning concerning prevailing conditions just before His return, when He said, *‘And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”” Then the servant of God, commenting upon this condition tells us that, ‘‘At this time, a time of overwhelming iniquity—a new life, coming from the Source of all life, is to take possession of those who have the love of God in their hearts, and they are to go forth to pro- claim with power the message of a