THE CHURCH OFFICERS’ CAZETTE 15 sleeping, and not in some unknown place knowing all that is going on here on earth? Pain: I can’t lell just where thoy are, but they are in the Bible all right. I could find them if I had a Concordance, Jon: By the way, can you prove by the Bible that there must be a prophet in the last church? Puiu: Why, there is Sister White and— Jorn: But the Bible doesn’t mention Sister White, I want fo prove we must have a prophet if we are the true church, and then I want proof that Sister White is the prophet. Pun: Say, let’s quit. IX asked you fo go for a ride and bere you are giving me a quiz. Jorn: I just wanted you to sec that the study of the Stand- ard of Attainment is really necessary, so we can give a reason for that hope that we have. Why, just suppose some one was interested in the truth and asked yon some questions, and you had to wait to go home and ask your father or mother for texts; or take a Concordance and hunt the texfs? What would they think of your interest in your own doctrines? Pain: I see your point. The moral is, I should attend the study on Standard of Attainment this afternoon instead of going to the mountains, I shall be there, and hope at my next quiz Il make a better showing. Jour: Good for you, Phil. J know you will enjoy it. Reading: Do 1 Know or Must I Guess? “Dappy, I wish you would tell me just what these verses mean.” Harold looked up suddenly; then he read Deuteronomy 6: 7-9. ‘Does that mean that the parents arc te talk about the Lord and the Bible all the time to the children $” “What does the margin say instead of ‘teach’$’ queried his father, “Tt says ‘whet, or sharpen.” “How can you ‘whet’ or ‘sharpen’ words’ interested now. Mr. Lynn laid down his paper. The children quickly drew footstools near, and eagerly waited for the good talk they knew was in store. “Do you remember,” he began, “how many times, when the Lord had done soma special thing for Hig children, He told them to build an altar or erect some memorial, so when the children should ask what those things meant, the parents could tell them how the Lord watched over them and cared for them at that time? When the teacher draws a picture on the board, how mueh better you remember the talk. 8o these altars and memorials were to sharpen their memories or ‘whet’ them, God designed that parents should teach the chil- dren about Him and what cach must do to have eternal life. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, all things would have been handed down from father to som; but you know that after man sinned and memories were not so good, writing and dif- ferent methods were invented for keeping before the younger generation the things that had happened. But God does want parents to be the teachers of their children always; always they should be ready to teach them of God’s goodness and mercy. When we invite Jesus into our hearts, we invite Him inte our home also, and any one coming into our home should recognize that Jesus is a guest there. You enjoy taking a walk with father and mother on Sabhath. What do we talk about as we walk alone?’ “Oh, I know, daddy!” exelaimed Mary. “We talk about the things God has made, and we wateh to find things of interest.” “Yes; so you see that when we walk by the way, we arc teaching. I wonder if you know what the eighth verse means.” “Don’t you think it means that our hands are not to do ranything that Jesus would not approve of, and that we ave to keep our eyes from seeing things that He would not have us see?’ “That is a very good explanation. God wants us wholly, not just a part of us or a part of the time, but all of the time and all of us.” “TF wonder if that’s the reason the teachers want us to study about Brother and Sister White and Brother Bates and those men who preached about Jesus in 18441” “Yes, we should all be familiar with the history of the pioneers in the advent movement.” Little Mary was “Oh,” interrupted Mary, “I know another way that we are fulfilling these texts, Every weck in the Review there are stories of how God has answered prayers and the wonderful things He has done for people all over the world, When I hear you and mother read these, telling of the work in dif- ferent lands, it just makes me want to grow up and go to some of those countries,” “It does make things real to us to know that the same mir- acles that were performed in the days of Jesus are being per- formed now,” said hrother. “I am so glad, daddy, that we can go to church school and learn that the Bible js really and truly so, and that Jesus was a real person and that He really helps us every day. We are starting a Junior Standard of Attainment class that meets once a week. At first I thought it would be too much, with all cur other lessoms, but it is so interesting, now I'm glad we started it. I want to know just what the Bible teaches, so I can tell others about it, and show them where to find all the texts.” “So do I,” chimed in Mary. “Today,” continued Harold, “I was out walking with Joe Smith, who lives a few doors from us, you know. Something was sald about going fo church on Sunday, and I asked Bim why people observe Sunday as the Sabbath. He said he guessed it was because Christ arose on that day. IT asked if he had ever read about it in the Bible. He said, no, but he had heaxd the folks talking. Then I asked him if he had ever heard that Jesus was coming very soon. He said he had heard somebody talking about it, but he had never given it any thought, and his father said he didn’t think He would come for hundreds of years yet. I said, ‘Well, what does the Bible say about it¥ and he said he didn’t know, but if there was anything in it {heir preacher would tell them about it. “Then we got fo talking about how beautiful some places are on the earth, and I asked him what he thought about the new earth. He had never thought mueh about it. I wanted to know where he expected to go when he got through with this earth. But he could only guess. He didn’t know what he believed or why he believed it; and you know, daddy, I just felt so glad that we can know, and don’t have to guess!” G. BE. M. J ifn Junior Program for Week Ending October 24 (Bee pages 11 and 12) J ifn Song for Juniors More of the Message (Tune, “More About Jesus) MoRre of the message, Volunteers! Casting away your doubts and fears; Trusting the Lord fo bring them in Ag you go forth a soul to win. CHorUs: 3 More, more of the message, More, more of the message, More of the message let us give, Showing the sinner how to live, More of the message let us give, Striving each day our best to live. Jesug will give the sure increase; Let us not now our tabors cease. More of the message let us sow, As we go journeying here below; Showing to others Jesus’ love, Speaking of home in heaven above. Mrs. HsTEL LACKEY. “Choice Poems” THis is a book of 162 poems selected with the Missionary Volunteer Society meetings especially in mind. You should have at least ane or fwo copies mm your M. V. Socicty library. Paper binding. Price, 50 cents, See the Mission Program, pages 11, 12,