10 THE MESSENGER May June 19856 SARAWAK IMPROVED CHAPEL FOR CHINESE MEMBERS OF KUCHING Tne Crunsse congredaton of the tuchong Seventh-day Advennst Churn act thee Pastor Cha Nyak Fab now enjoy a oumidnnabie, Sarawdan Drst-ime aie condiiongd church homie following the recent renovation of ther crowded, stutty basement chapel located bonoath the English SDA Church The seating CARAT WAS early doubled by in sw teeting Four campers take their stand tor baptism ar the Bikle Camp the walls gpprosormately aight foc A now porch ane walk were Added to pracde cares doses Gotine sty SARAWAK YOUTH BIBLE windows of colored Qlass, a new Ceding, 3 Contemporary rung system, and two acca tioning gots te ade CAMP ventiation were installed Thor Syren Yogi be Caro order tos Shirootiorsaan Daniel Walter, Ministerial Secretary, Sarawak Mission of Pastor Andy Ng ard BOW Taon Hoeowess eld Apa HT Sartulinng STF TE TRAIAN SES EUTE FRR LPR TR SIE Cr oopn Wes Leah a breve of Ponnsnon Sooonany SOON] weds DA hIe For tok tren Sra for tastes ANG CT cated Taen chess Bogen Uhr or ae jhe SET stor Jonathan Ng anna ob Yea aie Acker tes Hasan guest ac bad on tre pound Sel desler bogies Cf bones anid REI SIRI [SIH ER TEAES TARR aN BRIER Fis grfinescent an chy relator pe arr che anid IRERTEIRRTS 3 ote RE IRNRES Th haere ALE ENE AE AR PATI REET fr the UESTICT G00 Gennes as eel He (ee ma providsd by Pastor Ng counselling sono The AU campers wee Compr sod of Sn Suny Hl School Poors sen Secnctany Se tool nko Abdu, Hezak Colage and the Vance of Protas, —Pastor Andy Ng, Kuching English SDA Church “A TASTE OF NATURE’ COOKING SEMINAR A sra-day Cooking cass was conducted at the Sunny Hii School of Sarawak during the week of Apri 6-11 tor 30 community ladies. Lectures on vegelananism were given by Peggy Chaw, Union Health: Temperance Director. She and Mrs. Janet Ng, Pastor Andy Ng's wife, demonstrated g vanety of tasty dishes. Many of the [adies commented that they never knew vegetarian cooking could 1asie so good and be so nutnitious. — Choo Wee Fong, President, A (aste of the demonstration dishes at the potluck heii the last day of the cooking cinss Sarawak Mission