ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. Echoes from the Field, Published avery two weeks for the Colorado S. D. A. Conference and Tract Society, At 1112 Kalamath 8t., Denver, Colo. RarLpu EMERY, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION, 25 CTS. PER YEAR. Entered at Denver Post Office as Second-class Mail Matter. NOTES AND ITEMS. Elder Alway reports more good meet- ings at Trinidad with two more bap- tized, Elder Emery met with the Niwot church last Sabbath for the quarterly meeting services. The Conference Committee was in session yesterday at Boulder with all the members present. We have ordered from the publishers 2,840 copies of the Temperance Instructor for 1911. This is a good beginning. Orders come to us every day. ,. We have received a number of good orders recently from our German churches for papers and tracts in their language to be used for missionary pur- poses. : Elder Kite spent last Sabbath with the Hygiene churches, holding quarterly meeting. The Sabbath before he met with the church at Longmont in the in- terest of the $300,000 Fund. Brother Henry De Fluiter has recently gone to Chicago to engage in business. A short time before leaving his friends surprised him at his home. A .very pleasant evening was spent. While the article written by Brother Bellah on the subject of Debt applies especially to the canvassing work, the principles are good in all branches of our work, and in the daily life of each individual. Brother W, H. Cox recently spent a few days at Fort Collins, Bellvue, and Greeley. He reports interesting meet. ings and visits with the brethren and sisters. They bave a Sabbath school at Bellvue of some 15 or 20 members. The 1911 Year Book has just reached us. Late revisions and changes in con- ference work even in February of this year appear in the book. lt is very helpful to those who wish to keep in touch with our workers throughout the world, and the progress of the work. Price twenty-five cents postpaid, | ‘nerves, Elder E. T. Russell met with the West Denver church Sabbath, March 25, preaching in the morning and talking to the young people inthe afternoon. He left Monday marning for Loma Linda to attend a board meeting of our medical college. Last fall the Tract Society sent 260 orders for the special series of the Signs to the publishers. That was the part the Colorado Conference had in adding the 13,000 new subscriptions which were received for this special series. What will we do this spring? Eider George O. States passed through Denver a week ago Monday on his way to bis home in Cedar Edge from Whit- temore, Michigan. He is locking well, and reports excellent health save for his Brother States spent Sabbath with the church at Wray. He brought us one new subscription to the Review and Herald from that place, The Colorado Sanitarium Food Co., of Boulder, offers to Adventists the foliow- ing low prices: Cereal Blend, Graham, Oatmeal and Whole Wheat Crackers, ‘Crystal Wheat and Tri grano each 8%4¢ per package. Other articles on price list not marked net at 15% discount. Our doubly refined and deoderized Cooking Oil $1.00 per gallon or $4.50 per five gallons. A brother living in the southern part of the state ordered 25 copies of the March Sigws. He disposed of these so readily, and liked the work so well that he placed an order with us [or 100 copies of the April number. Another brother ordered io March Sigzs and 10 March Watchman. He increased his order for April papers to 30 Sigms and 20 Watchman. During the last two weeks Brother John Anderson has put in 63hours and secured $103.85 worth of orders for Great Crotro- versy. He is canvassing at La Junta. Brother John North, at Pueblo, reports $25.00 worth of orders for Heralds of the Morning. Brother W.G. Hearne secured $6.70 worth of orders in Lamar by doing a few hours’ work. Brother L. G. Beans reports $39.60 worth of orders for Bible Readings in Pueblo as a result of 48 hours’ work. We take the following encouraging report from a etter just received from the Secretary of the Longmont Mission- ary Volunteer Society. “Since September t7 we raised money to buy a nice reading rack for une of the “brary for a period of one year. depots here. Every month or so we ap- point, or really let some one volunteer, to keep it filled. We had the Yowik's Instructor, Life and Health, Liberty, and Prolestan?! magazines sent to the city li- We also bought a copy of Desire of Ages and had it sent to a party we are inter- ested in. After ordering 5o0- copies of the Dark Valley Railroad Temperance . ‘Folders, and sending for 60 copies of the Temperance Instructor, we send the amount of $7.23, the result of our dona- tions. May the Lord bless all societies that are working for Him.” The Message for Today Signs The series begins May 9, 1911. Runs six months, Presents the truth in an attrac- tive form. An excellent missionary agency. Subscribe for your friends, neigh- bors, and relatives TODAY, Prices as follows: Single subscriptions for the series of 25 numbers......... $0.90 Five or more copies to one name and address, each..... .62 Five or more copies mailed direct from the office of publicaion to names and i addresses furnished, each... .65 The special series just closing HAS brought results. People have accepted the truth by reading the papers. Others have been convinced. The forth-com- ing series WILL bring results, It de- pends upon us to give the papers a chance to circulate. ; The first number of the new series will be the special Tercentenary Memo- rial of the Authorized Version of the Bible. We are receiving advertisements from Bible houses indicating great activ- ity because this is the tercentenary year. No people can present the claims of the Bible so strongly as can Seventh-day Adventists. The Signs Memorial Num- ber should be sent out by the thousand, and then followed by the rest of the series. Send in your orders to us at once, so that they may reach the publishers in good time. Descriptive matter bas been sent to each ¢hurch, and to our iso- lated people. Order blanks were sent for your convenience. COLORADO TRACT SOCIETY.