columns | would hear his votce pratstng cod for + tent, ana Pleading, 0 Lord, help me £8 use ‘this knowledge aright! or ‘perhaps it would Be, "Lord; help with’ this. truth +0 smite, et onoe.! In the rorning, as he met the family, he would present, to them ‘the ight he had received, and together they would praise God around the family, altar. The Cd family sald it nas a Little foretaste of the Joys. of paradise on | Bh such occastonsi” ‘Review & ‘Herald for Dec: 8, 1896, PP. T14y third "The Lord. wishes ell to understand His providential dealings ‘now, Just, now, in the time 1n hich we live. There. ust be no, long’ discussions, no presenting of new theortes in regard to. pro- phecies ‘that God has already made plain, Trio great, work from nhich SE ‘the mind should not be atverted 1s the. aonsideration of our per- a sonal standing in the- sight of : God. Are: our feet on ‘the, Rock. of Ages? Are ne hiding ourselves in: tne only Refuge? “The storm 1s | soning relentless inhts fury, and me. prepared to meet 147 are we’ one with Christ as He is one with the: Father? Are. we. heirs of God - and’ Joint heirs with Christe “Are we working in so-partnerantp with Co the. saviour? Review. & Herald: for Nove 3 1900, pos 754. "Ihe Lord wants men ‘who see the’ work. in its greatness,’ and, who | understand the principles that, have ‘been Anterwoven mith 1 from Co its rise, ‘He will not have a worldly order of ‘things come in to fashion the work: in altogether different lines, From’ ‘those He has marked out for. His. people. The work must ‘bear ‘the character of ts | originator." Gospel’ Rorkers, revised edstion, 1918, DD. 463. | | Testinentes for, the Chureh, Vol, 7 ope 209,