E. M. C. Band No one realizes how enjoyable a band is until he hears it in an open air concert. The E. M. C. band has been rehearsing regularly since the first of the new vear. It did not give any concerts during the winter, but now that spring is here, it is presenting some very enjoyable open air concerts. The band is a very handy organization at rallies and entertainments. Its martial music is inspiring to all of us when we are endeavoring to reach a goal or promote college spirit. Our experience this school year has caused us to resolve firmly to have a larger and better band next year. This should be of great interest to many voung men in our conference who are planning to attend E. M. C. next year. Here their musical aspirations will be carefully fostered. All ministerial students should study some brass instrument to use in song leading. Experience in the band fits them for this work. IE. M. C. is proud of all its musical organizations and is anxious for the parents and friends of the students to become interested in them.