NEWS - ALL NUMBERED PHOTOS IN THIS GROUP EXCERT NUMBER 2 ARE IMTERNATIONAL HEWES PHOTOS ¥. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands recently paid a visit to President and Mrs. Franklin DD. Boosevelt at the White House, Left to right: Mrs, Roosevelt. Queen Wilhelmina, and President Roosevelt. 2, Simon Lake. inventor of the submarine, shows a S«nate Military Affairs Sub-Committees a model of his proposed carco-carrvine submarine. Shown. left to righy, are: Mr, Lake (near side of modeli:; Senator Edwin GC, Johnson. of Colo rado: William Bernard Ziff. West Coast publisher: and Senator Josh Lee. of Oklahoma. ehairman of the committee, 3, Mre, Henry A. Wale lace. wife of the Vice-President. ix shown taking the traditional bottle of champagne from Captain Sheridan Kennedy at the New York Navy Yard PICTURES EK) just before she sent the giant A5.000-ton battleship ““fowa™ down the wavs, VThe “Towa.” begun tn 194 was launched seven months ahead of schedale. 1. The Duke of Gloucester, brother of the late Dube of Kent, ws here seen riding camel back while inspecting a camel corps during his vistt to the Sudan. Aden. sod Somaliland, Camel riding, incidentally, is no slicht accomplishiment. 3, Mrs, Oveta Culp Hobby, leader of the Wamiean's Army Auxiliary Corps. being photographed at Fort des Moines, Towa, by members of her corps. On this occasion the WAVES paraded for the beneit of their Commandant. Colonel Don CC, Faith, and Mrs. Hobby.