666 riage of Ahab with this princess was one of those turning points in the history of a nation, where a new influence entered and ran like poison to the uttermost end of the land. Shrewd, yet reckless, luxurious and licentious, fierce and cunning, was this oriental queen. Under her rule arose the first long series of like events in ecclesiastical history — the first great persecution — the first persecution on a large scale, which the church had witnessed in any shape.” In the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, the book which foretells and re- cords the great apostasy which began while the apostles were vet alive, and is to continue to the end of time, this Jezebel is cited by the I.ord as an illustration of that verv corrupt, deceiving, itself. And here a warning is given against the seductions destroying apostasy of “that woman Jezebel,” which has direct reference to the workings of the papacy. And that the expression “that woman Jezebel” fits the papacy with a nicety to be found only in the Scriptures, can be seen in a moment by a glance at the history of the times. In the counsel which Christ gave to his church against this apostate power which he designates under the name of Jezebel, warning is given against two things in particular — Both of these sins were inculcated by the papacy. fornication and the honoring of idols. As we study the history, we shall see that for years the Church of Rome kept up a con- stant warfare against the institution of mar- riage. Primarily it was the marriage of the clergy, but indirectly it was the marriage of all. And by this doctrine and warfare this WORLD-POWER-CHURCH filled all Europe with fornication and adultery. Still further it is written of “that woman Jezebel ” that she ““calleth herself a prophet- ess” Now a prophet or prophetess is a spokesman, a mouthpiece for God; one es- pecially commissioned to give direct messages from God to men. (Ex. 4:15-16; Deut. 18:18) And who has made this claim so loudly as the Church of Rome? She it is who styles herself the one and only interpreter of the Scriptures, “the infallible channel of the divine will to man.” “That characteristic of the original Jezebel manifested in her ruling the king and stirring him up to do more than the usual evil of kings, and more than he would otherwise have done, is seen displayed throughout the whole course of the papacy after her establishment as a world-power; and is specifically fastened upon her by the Scripture in describing her as “the woman... which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” And the unanimous voice of history for a thousand years witnesses to the truth of that word. The further characteristic of Jezebel manifested in herself doing in the king’s name, and under his seal, enormities at the which even the king balked, will equally 2 Dean Stanley, “History of the Jewish Church,” Lect 30. ll THE WATCHMAN appear in the history which we will trace: so also that supreme characteristic of Jezebel, the persistent persecution of the worshipers of the true God.” It 1s perfectly plain that in essence, Europe in the Middle Ages was but the papacy in the Middle Ages. 1t is equally plain that it would be dithcult to conceive a worse condition of human society than was this papacy in the Middle Ages. All know that the papacy claims to have been in the Middle Ages, not only Christianity, but the only Christianity. None can hide the fact that the condition of human society under the sole dominion of the Church of Rome —and more than any- thing else the product of her genius — was about as bad as 1t could be and survive. Because of this, many people justly repu- diate the papacy. And accepting the state- ment that the papacy was then Christianity, when they repudiate the papacy they think that they repudiate Christianity. Others, accept- ing the claim that the papacy was Christianity, and also desiring to hold fast to Christianity, are at an utter loss to find their bearings as to Christianity, in view of the indisputable character of the papacy in the Middle Ages. The difficulty in both these cases centers in their acceptance of the premise, that the pa- pacy was Christianity, This is an utter error. The papacy was not Christianity in the Middle Ages, nor at any The papacy and Christianity are antagonistic systems. How far the papacy is from being Christianity is made plain by the words of Christ in his third letter to his own church, in which he designates as his faithful martyr, those who believe in him who were against the papacy —“ Antipas . .. my faith- ful martyr.” The papacy in the Middle Ages was only “that woman Jezebel.” Pp. T. M. IE THE ‘GIFT OF TONGUES’ MOVEMENT NE who has fallen in with the move- ment of which “speaking tongues” is the leading characteristic, accounts of which have frequently been in the papers of late, writes in this vein of his other time. with experience :— “While praying in our place of worship, we all felt very happy, more so than common. We were praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and we prayed at least two hours, and suddenly there appeared a light to me such as I never before saw, and something power- ful took possession of my vocal organs, and I never spoke in so many different tongues in my life, and my soul was so filled with power that I shouted at the top of my voice for joy, and ever since I am a new creature for Christ and speak in three or more different tongues that I never knew before. . .. God our Father knows how happy I am since I got this blessing.” We give this quotation in order to call at- tention to two things. First, according to the Bible, speaking in an unknown tongue is not in itself any evidence of the presence of the Spirit of God. According to all reports, in no instance has any one been benefited by No- body understood what was being said, and the talk given in an unknown tongue. of course no one could be edified by listening On the day of Pen- tecost, the disciples spoke with tongues, but to unintelligible jargon. it was for a purpose. They were heard by “devout men out of every nation under heaven,” and “every man heard them speak Acts 2:5, 6. These devout men, who would not have understood mm his own language.” the disciples if they had spoken in the Jewish tongue, heard the gospel proclaimed to them When the rain” 1s poured out, the gift of tongues will in their own language. "latter doubtless be seen again; but it will be for the accomplishment of a quick work in the procla- mation of the gospel, as it was on the day of Pentecost. Of the mere speaking in an unknown tongue, the apostle Paul said: 1 had rather speak five words with my under- standing, that by my voice I might teach oth- ers also, than ten thousand words nn an un- known tongue.” 1 Cor. 14: 10. Secondly, feeling is not in itself any evidence ‘of nearness to God on the part of the one experiencing it. There is nothing more de- ceptive than feeling. The basis of Christianity Faith holds the soul to God when everything looks dark, and when feeling is all on the wrong side. Consider as an illustration the case of Jacob wrestling with the angel. Jacob supposed he was con- tending with a robber, and might lose his life. Satan was on hand to try to make him feel that God had forsaken him on account of his sins. It is very evident that Jacob's feelings during the hours of his wrestling were far from pleasant. But it was right there that Jacob showed true faith. He held fast to the promises God had made to him, and would not vield to the temptation to give up in despair. And at last, finding his antagonist to be an angel and not a man, he cast himself on the mercy’ of God and claimed his blessing. And the angel, who was the Lord Jesus Christ, said to him: “Thy name shall no more be called Jacob [supplanter], but Israel [prince of God], for as a prince hast thou power with God and and hast prevailed.” Gen. 32:28 That experience of Jacob is left us as an illustration of the faith. Wlien people speak with an unknown tongue, and are carried away with a happy flight of feeling, it is time to ask, What of their teaching This is the important point. Do they magnify and make honorable the law of God, as Christ did? What about the fourth precept of that law, which commands the seventh-day Sabbath? Do they believe, practice, and teach that? Or do they teach that God's holy law has been changed, or that it is done away? ‘To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isa. 8:20. This is an infallible rule by which the spirits are to be tested, as to whether or not they are of God. 1 John 4:1. 1s not feeling, but faith. with man, nature of true