( i Albert G. Dittes Dear Alumni, I feel honored to be your president this year. Even though I did not graduate from Madison Academy or College, my parents, Albert and Elinor Dittes, graduated from Madison and my grandfather's cousin, Frances Dittes, taught nutrition here for nearly 50 years. I, thus, grew up with the Madison tradition and have recently found it to be of tremendous historical · interest. Some original research into the life of Lida Funk Scott led the board to invite me to be a member. A clause in the constitution allows for one not a graduate of the college to serve on the board. The more I learn about the Madison story, the greater it becomes and the more significance it has. For example, I have taken two research trips to Andrews University during the past year, and found a tremendous interest in Madison among the historical people there. I uncovered some fascinating correspondence between Lida Scott and Percy Magan starting in 1916, the kind of letters, between famous people, you read in books. I photocopied all of them, and we have them in binders for you to read. It shows the crucially important role Madison had in the founding of Lorna Linda and upgrading it into an accredited four-year medical school. These letters are available at the alumni office, and we encourage you to order yourself a copy. Since producing them did involve some expense, a donation would be appreciated. I, also, found a chronology of the life of P. T. Magan written by Dr. Sutherland. It actually tells you as much about Dr. Sutherland as Magan, and that has been reproduced and made available to you. We are anxious for these materials to get into the hands of people interested in the Madison story. trip to Lorna Linda and found their historical people very interested in Madison. Their researcher, Richard A. Schaefer, told me he was revising their official history book for their centennial in 2005 and needed to document how the school raised money to start the White Memorial Hospital. At that important 1915 Fall Council meeting, a group of women offered to raise the money to build a hospital to honor the memory of Ellen White, but he didn't know any more. I was so glad to be able to tell him I could document how the money came. Many of you know that Dr. Sutherland encouraged Mrs. Scott to give $30,000 she had promised to Madison to Lorna Linda so his friend Percy Magan would have enough to start construction. He wanted documentation, and we sent it to him. So we have a tremendous story, and I want to devote this year to telling it to the people interested in hearing it. I spent three days in the Archives and Special Collections department at Lorna Linda University and also found correspondence of (Continued on page 2) 1• .. v~·..r.• .......... ., •• • .... ,. ill - .--......... '